Chapter 360 I agree
Seeing that he didn't object to his idea, Li Qiaomu knew that he was in favor of his proposal.

So I went on to tell him, "I've already thought about this issue. I have an idea here. You should listen carefully. If you disagree, I won't think about it."

Hearing what she said, Jian Haotian nodded seriously, and then waited for her to continue with a serious attitude.

Seeing him like this, Li Qiaomu curled his mouth and continued to talk while holding his arm, "I plan to get a loan from the bank, what do you think?"

Jian Haotian works in the bureau, so he has naturally heard of such things as loans.

I also know that many people who are doing big things now have such a turnover if they lack funds.

"It's a good idea, I have no objection." This time he still replied happily.

Seeing that he agreed to his proposal without even thinking, Li Qiaomu stared at his face in disbelief.

After answering, Jian Haotian soon found out that his wife treated him strangely. Seeing her staring at him without blinking, he suddenly felt amused, "Why are you staring at me like this? Is there something wrong with my face?"

After speaking, he reached out and touched his cheeks on both sides, but when he took off his hands, the palms were clean and there was nothing at all.

Seeing his action, Li Qiaomu couldn't help but chuckle, and then smiled and brought the one he touched his face to hold in her soft palm.

"You don't need to touch it, your face is not dirty, on the contrary, your face is very handsome." She told him with a smile.

After Jian Haotian heard her praise, a shy blush appeared on his handsome face.

"Did you hear what I said just now? I said that I want to borrow money from the bank to build this farmhouse, but you have no other ideas in mind, or stop me?" She asked while holding his big hand.

Jian Haotian saw a bunch of her hair falling down, so he stretched out his hand and gently tied her hair behind her ears, and then said, "Why do you want to stop it? You are working so hard for our family, I can't help you What's the matter, but I can't hold you back."

Hearing what he understood, Li Qiaomu felt warm in his heart, and threw his whole body into his embrace, "Jian Haotian, do you know that if you spoil me like this, you will spoil me."

"If you are spoiled, you will be spoiled. If your daughter-in-law is not spoiled, is she still a man? _x0010_" he said seriously.

This night, the young couple spent another night together.

With the support of the man next to him, Li Qiaomu has nothing to worry about about the loan.

After going to the bank for half a month, her loan was finally approved.

When this matter was completed, she immediately held a celebration ceremony at night.

After this celebration, the family knew that she had done such a big thing without telling them.

When Li Dongsheng heard the news, he immediately looked towards Jian Haotian and asked, "Brother-in-law, do you know what my sister is doing?"

Jian Haotian turned his head and glanced at his daughter-in-law who was also looking at him, and replied softly, "I know, your sister told me about this from the beginning, and I agreed."

When Li Dongsheng saw the young couple's appearance, he knew that his worries just now were in vain. His brother-in-law unconditionally supported his third sister in this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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