A few fat pigs that had been slaughtered were delivered here before dawn today. Chickens, ducks and fish don't need to be bought with money, Li Qiaomu raises them himself.

When Li Qiaomu was preparing to open a farmhouse, he had already spent a lot of money to hire three chefs in the city to cook.

When Li Qiaomu and the others came over, they immediately smelled a tempting smell of food wafting from the direction of the farmhouse.

"It smells so good. Master Zhou's craftsmanship is really not good. I want to eat it when I smell it." Li Dongsheng smelled the fragrance in the air and said with a greedy face.

Hearing his words, Li Qiaomu said proudly, "Of course, I don't care who invited it."

As soon as the group of them came over, Zhou Bo, who was busy outside the farmhouse, immediately stepped forward to greet him, "Daughter-in-law, younger sister, brother-in-law, younger brother, you are here."

Li Qiaomu looked at the bustling people and gave Zhou Bo a thumbs up, "Second brother-in-law, you did a good job."

Hearing this compliment, Zhou Bo scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "It's so-so."

The big guy looked at his action and laughed.

Li Qiaomu quickly asked again, "Second brother-in-law, how are the meals prepared?"

"It's all ready, just wait for the auspicious time to come and prepare to serve dinner." Zhou Bo replied immediately.

At this moment, Jian Qingyu excitedly pointed in the direction of the village entrance and shouted, "Look, it's a car. If there is a car coming, it must be here for us."

Following his shout, the big guy immediately looked in the direction he pointed, and sure enough, he saw a black car driving towards them in the direction of the village entrance.

"Wow, sister, our farmhouse is really very face-saving, and there are guests who drive cars to participate. This time our farmhouse is not booming."

When the big guys heard Li Dongsheng's words, they were also excited.

Soon the car drove over, and as soon as the car stopped, two middle-aged men in Chinese tunic suits got out of the car.

"Comrade Li, Comrade Jian, your farmhouse is well built."

"Oh, I seem to smell something delicious. It seems that we are lucky to come here today."

After getting out of the car, He Ju and Director Xie said loudly with a smile on their faces.

Li Qiaomu and Jian Haotian met the two of them, and the young couple immediately strode forward to greet them.

"He Bureau, Director Xie, welcome, thank you for coming, please come inside." Li Qiaomu greeted the two big men with a neither humble nor overbearing expression.

"Okay, okay." He Ju and Director Xie walked into the farmhouse happily.

Not long after the two of them entered, another car drove up from the entrance of the village.

With the arrival of the first car just now, this time the big guy has calmed down a lot about the appearance of the second car.

This time the person who got out of the car was none other than the reporter Li Qiaomu specially invited to the provincial capital, Reporter Tan.

Reporter Tan, who came by her own car, got out of the car and looked at the farmhouse in front of her. She had to say that it was the first time she had seen this building in a farmhouse after working in the provincial capital for so long.

For some reason, she had a hunch that if she built this workshop, it would help her career.

"Reporter Tan, welcome." Seeing that it was a reporter from the provincial capital that he had invited, Li Qiaomu hurried forward to greet him.

Reporter Tan withdrew his scrutinizing gaze, looked towards Li Qiaomu with a smile, and said, "Comrade Li, the architecture of your farmhouse is quite special, and the surrounding scenery is also deeply in my heart."

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