Seeing this, Li Qiaomu called his second brother-in-law Zhou Bo over while the iron was hot, "The building you mentioned was actually built with the help of my second brother-in-law. If Reporter Tan is interested in this building, you can mine it. My second brother-in-law, he knows more detailed."

Zhou Bo who was pulled over originally thought that his sister-in-law was looking for help with something, but he didn't expect that the one who came was going to be interviewed by a reporter, which caught him off guard.

"So it was built by this comrade, so please tell me, Comrade Zhou, why you thought of building this kind of building in the first place?"

Suddenly, Zhou Bo from Caifang looked towards Li Qiaomu.

This reporter Tan didn't know, but he knew that the architectural design of the farmhouse in front of him was not drawn by himself at all, but by the sister-in-law in front of him.

So the person with the most power in the mining workshop is not him at all, but the sister-in-law in front of him.

Li Qiaomu seemed to know what he was thinking, so when he looked over, he immediately smiled at him.

Seeing this, Zhou Bo had no choice but to answer the question asked by the reporter Tan with a cheeky face.

Fortunately, the construction of the farmhouse was all done by him, and no one knew more about the construction than him.

So when the reporter Tan asked those questions, Zhou Bo's answers were almost impeccable.

After the workshop was finished, reporter Tan was quickly arranged by Li Qiaomu to sit in the farmhouse.

Soon several groups of people came, some were Jian Haotian's colleagues, and some were customers who had done business with Li Qiaomu before.

The customers who have been doing business with her this time know that she has built a farmhouse here, and they told her early in the morning that if the farmhouse opens, they must be invited over.

So after Li Qiaomu confirmed the opening time of the farmhouse, he was the first to notify them.

Fortunately, these people are also very respectful, not only came, but also brought a lot of gifts.

When everyone arrived, the farmhouse officially opened under the congratulatory speeches of Village Chief Jian and Li Qiaomu.

After the ribbon cutting, it was time for the big guys to sit together and eat and drink.

Today, there are five tables in the farmhouse, and the dishes on each table are very rich.

Especially those green vegetables and chicken, duck and fish taste so good that the guests can't wait to put their tongues on the plate and let them eat by themselves.

After the meal, when the guests left, Li Qiaomu gave the guests the local products of his farmhouse. They said they were local products, but they were eggs and vegetables from her side.

However, when the guests saw the things she sent, not only did they not feel disgusted, they also showed satisfied smiles on their faces.

Because those who have eaten these know that these things are more valuable than money, they would rather Li Qiaomu give them these things than she give them other things.

Reporter Tan even helped Li Qiaomu take a domineering photo at the entrance of the farmhouse before leaving.

On the first day the farmhouse opened, there were no guests.

Li Qiaomu had guessed this phenomenon a long time ago, so she looked at the clear and cold farmhouse, and let it go with a calm face.

That night, seeing the state of the farmhouse, Li Qiaoxin couldn't help but worry and asked at the dinner table, "Little girl, this farmhouse has never had guests, so we are going to lose money!"

As soon as she said this, Li Dongsheng immediately looked over at his third sister who was eating calmly.

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