Chapter 409 Buy a TV?
Because everyone in the old Jian's family could tell that the owner of their family who made a lot of money was in a bad mood today. In order to let the family have meat every day, they had no choice but to hold back and dare not make such a noise.

The only person who is different from the rest of the family is probably Sister-in-law Jane. At this time, she is feeding her son expressionlessly, as if she didn't see the small movements of the people around her.

What happened in the past year made her see clearly the black heart of this family.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a son born to her in this family, she really didn't want to stay in this family any longer.

Even this daughter, she regretted giving birth to this daughter in the first place.

Even if the family now relies on this daughter for food and drink, she still regrets it.

Ever since he came back from there, Jian Xiang's complexion has been grim.

When she thought of the insult to her by that family, she hated it.

"Dad, how are you doing with what I told you last time?" At this moment, she asked her father who was drinking wine and eating meat with a fierce look in her eyes.

Brother Jian didn't stop drinking and eating meat when he heard it, and replied casually, "It's going on, don't worry, don't you worry about your dad and me doing things."

When Jian Xiang heard his words of impatience with his confession, annoyed expression appeared on his face, but when he thought about this time, she didn't have anyone to arrange for, and now only the father in front of her could help a little, because This, she also has to endure this frustration first.

Jian Haotian, who came back from the shower, saw his daughter-in-law who was sitting on the bed to settle accounts, with the corner of her handsome mouth curled up, walking towards her.

"How, how much did we earn this month?" He leaned over and asked.

When Brother Jian heard this, a flash of impatience flashed in her eyes and interrupted her unfinished sentence, "You never finished, I said I was almost done, but you kept talking, it's so annoying .”

Speaking of which, instead of feeling uncomfortable, he felt very honored.

At night, it was the end of the month again, and Li Qiaomu began to calculate the general account for the next month.

But his wife can earn so much in a month!

"No more, no less, about [-] or so." Although she said it a bit modestly, if you listen carefully, you can still hear a hint of pride in her tone.

Jian Haotian looked at the corners of her mouth that were about to turn up, and looked at her dotingly, "It's quite a lot, so much money, I guess it will take ten years to get this much."

Jian Xiang looked at this father who only cared about drinking, to be honest, she was really not at ease about what she told him.

On Li Qiaomu's side, when he sat down beside her, she happened to finish the calculation.

"Dad, this matter is very important to me, you can't mess it up for me, do you hear me?" Fearing that his father would be confused, Jian Xiang had to remind him again and again.

Li Qiaomu took his hand and talked to him about the bank, "Let me tell you, if we can make so much money every month, we should be able to pay back the money we owe to the bank this year." When it's over, we won't owe anyone anything."

But even though he was in debt, Li Qiaomu didn't want himself and his family to suffer.

When she had just settled the accounts, a thought flashed through her mind.

"How about we buy a TV?" She asked tentatively, holding his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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