Chapter 410 Let me drive steadily
Hearing her assertiveness, Jian Haotian pursed his lips, shook her hand and said, "Buy, we can buy whatever we want. You can decide these things without my opinion."

The corners of Li Qiaomu's mouth curled up, "You said this, so if I want to buy something next time, I won't discuss it with you."

"Well, yes, as I said, you are the master in this family, and I will listen to you." Jian Haotian said while holding her hand affectionately.

At this time, Jian Haotian looked at her with fiery eyes and asked, "Daughter-in-law, have you finished your work?"

For a while, Li Qiaomu didn't think about why he asked such a question, but when she saw his fiery eyes looking at her, she felt a little bit in her heart, and immediately understood everything.

"Well, it's over." She blushed and nodded slightly.

After hearing her answer, Jian Haotian raised the corners of his lips, and his eyes shone like stars.

In the next second, Li Qiaomu immediately felt the light in front of her go dark, the light went out, and a big hand was touching the buttons of her clothes in the darkness.

This night is destined to be a restless night.The young couple quarreled in the middle of the night before stopping.

The result of all night's nonsense was that Li Qiaomu got up late again the next day.

"Do you know what I have installed here?" she asked him.

After listening to what he said, Li Qiaomu finally understood why the little brother beside him stopped talking.

When Li Dongsheng, who was driving the car, heard this warning, he immediately changed from his squeaky speech, and this time he spoke a little more normally.

Li Qiaomu smiled, and immediately put the backpack he was carrying on his body.

After eating the warm breakfast her family gave her, Li Qiaomu immediately took a backpack and got into the car driven by Li Dongsheng and set off for the city.

As soon as Li Qiaomu heard the tone of his words, he knew that this little brother must have something hidden in his heart.

"If you have something to say, don't be hesitant. A big man has made it look like this, so he can say whatever he wants." Li Qiaomu told him in a serious tone.

As soon as she finished speaking, the car that had been driving steadily shook suddenly a few times.

Li Dongsheng was embarrassed, and said in embarrassment, "Sister, I am different from you. I have lived for so many years, but I have never made so much money, and where have I seen so much money?"

Li Dongsheng couldn't touch it with his hands because he was driving a car, so he shook his head and asked curiously, "What is it, third sister."

Fortunately, the family has long been accustomed to her appearance.

When he finished speaking, Li Qiaomu was going to throw him a supercilious look, and at the same time smiled, "Look at your prospects, you will be worried after making such a small amount of money. If you made more money before, you will be worried about eating or not. After dinner, I can't sleep."

"There are about 2 yuan in money here."

On the way of driving, Li Dongsheng spoke in a creaking voice.

This sudden scene really frightened Li Qiaomu, she tightly grasped the handrail with both hands.

"Li Dongsheng, you brat, how do you drive? You drive steadily for me." After the car stabilized again, Li Qiao was so angry that he really wanted to stand up and grab the little brother's ear to warn him.

It's a pity that she can't, because this younger brother is driving the car. For safety's sake, she should bear with it.

Li Dongsheng didn't have any other thoughts to care about whether he was being scolded at this time. At this time, his mind was full of what his third sister had just told him.

(End of this chapter)

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