"Dongsheng, your TV is pretty big, isn't it expensive?" Some villagers gathered around the TV and asked curiously.

As soon as Li Dongsheng heard it, he immediately talked about what the siblings had experienced in the department store in the city, and the salesperson's introduction.

"From what you said, it seems that people in the city can't afford this kind of color TV, can they? From this point of view, the life of the people in the city there is not better than ours." The villagers were a little proud Said.

After listening to Li Dongsheng, he felt that what he said seemed to make sense, but there seemed to be something wrong.

"You can't say that. People in the city get a fixed salary every month, which is not a lot." Li Dongsheng thought about it and told the truth.

When the villagers heard this, they didn't continue to discuss the matter.

"Dongsheng, don't stand still, quickly take out the TV, and then turn it on so that we can see what the TV looks like." The villagers said, staring at the cardboard box eagerly.

Li Dongsheng hesitated for a moment, thinking that it is the same whether the TV is turned on early or late, and now it is just right, and there are people to help, killing two birds with one stone.

"Okay, I'll open it for you to have a look, and you will help me later." He told them.

As soon as the villagers heard that there was TV to watch, they readily agreed to his offer of help.

After listening to her explanation, everyone didn't pay much attention, so they all turned their eyes back.

"Sorry, I just heard what you said and thought it was very interesting, so I couldn't hold back my laughter for a while." Seeing them looking at him one by one, Li Qiaomu held back the smile on his face, While explaining to them why he laughed so hard.

Seeing that they all agreed, Li Dongsheng smiled and pulled out the TV set from the cardboard box, revealing the true face of the TV set.

Li Qiaomu immediately felt that he had received several gazes looking at him, so he stopped the smile on his face.

When the big guys heard her laughter, Qiqi looked at her.

It was the first time for the villagers to see a TV set. It was boxy, and everyone stared at the TV set in front of them without daring to blink.

Li Qiaomu, who just came in, just heard the doubts of the villagers, and was immediately amused by their words.

Li Qiaomu originally planned to come in and take a look, but now, she decided to stay and take a look.

Li Dongsheng then replied to the villager who had just questioned, "I don't know much about this either. Is it possible that he went in early, or else he wouldn't be able to let him out."

"My dear, this is a TV. It's big, but how can this person fit it in? This person can't fit it in." Some villagers finally expressed their doubts after studying for a long time.

Li Qiaomu next to him almost couldn't hold back his laughter when he heard his silly brother's explanation.

Fortunately, she was stopped in time.

"Well, you are all wrong. They didn't install it in this TV in advance. They rely on the antenna. When they receive the channel, they can see what the people inside are doing."

Speaking of this, Li Qiaomu found that they were staring at her one by one, so she told them some principles she knew.

"Do you understand? This is the reason why people can be seen on the TV." After speaking, Li Qiaomu looked at them and asked.

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