The faces of the villagers all looked like they didn't understand. Seeing this, Li Qiaomu knew that he had explained in vain.

Finally, I sighed in my heart, and continued to speak briefly to them, "In short, this TV needs to rely on an antenna to receive channels, and it cannot receive channels without an antenna."

"Haotian's daughter-in-law, I seem to understand a little bit after hearing what you said just now, but when can we watch this TV now?" A villager asked with embarrassment.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu stopped and told them about the TV, and immediately asked the younger brother next to him to fix the TV.

Soon, Li Dongsheng led a group of villagers through their research, and finally let them fix the TV after several mistakes.

When the first channel was shown on the TV, the villagers looked at the people on the TV without blinking.

"My darling, I can really see people on this TV, but the clothes they wear are pretty, and the people are also pretty good-looking."

In less than half a day, the news that Li Qiaomu bought a FTV set was immediately spread in the village.

In less than half an hour, Li Qiaomu's yard was crowded with people watching TV.

Seeing so many villagers coming, Li Qiaomu generously moved out the small stools at home for them to sit and watch.

When she walked to the door, she suddenly fell back with a sad face.

Jian Qingyu quickly stopped him, "Third Uncle, you are in such a hurry, and you are still moving a small stool, where are you going?"

Just when the four of them were puzzled, they suddenly saw a man named Uncle San passing by them carrying a stool and not knowing where he was going.

The middle-aged man who was called the third uncle by Jian Qingfeng saw that it was their three brothers and sisters, and a nephew who was said to be a friend of Jian Haotian.

After Jian's mother heard that the boss had bought a rare TV, she also eagerly wanted to go and have a look.

Father Jian saw it and asked amusedly, "If you want to go to see it, go and see it. Anyway, there are so many people in the village who have gone to see it, and you are not alone."

Soon, the four of them discovered that the village today was a bit too quiet.

Soon, news of her buying a TV spread to old Jane's house.

When Jian's father heard this, he shook his head and didn't say anything to persuade her to watch TV.

"I won't go, they didn't invite me to go and see, what am I going to see, isn't it too embarrassing." Jane's mother said with a sigh of relief in her heart.

In the evening, the three brothers and sisters who came back from school and Shen Heng, who had recently transferred from another school, followed them back to the village.

"It's just in time for the three of you to come back. Hurry up and go home. Your mother bought a TV for your house. I'm going to watch TV at your house with a stool." The middle-aged man told the three of them with a smile. this matter.

After saying these words, the middle-aged man didn't wait for the three brothers and sisters to react, he had already moved the stool and walked in the direction of Xin Jian's house before they stepped into it.

At this time, the three brothers and sisters were completely stunned by the words they called the third uncle.

After a while, Jian Qingyu was the first to react, looked at Jian Qingfeng and asked, "Brother, did you hear what Uncle San said just now? I seem to have heard him say that our family bought a TV. Am I right?"

Just as Jian Qingfeng was about to answer, suddenly the little girl beside him rushed to answer before him.

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