"Second Brother, you heard me right, I heard it too, Third Uncle seems to have really said that our family bought a TV." Jian Meimei heard that Brother Shen Heng mentioned the TV, and knew that it was a very good product. thing.

"My God, did Mom really buy a TV for us to watch? Great, I can really watch the Condor Shooting Heroes that my classmates talked about this time, and I can see Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu .” Jian Qingyu almost jumped up happily.

"Stop talking, instead of being happy here in vain, it's better to go home quickly and see if this matter is true." Jian Qingfeng's eyes were also shining, and he quickly interrupted the second brother's words.

Upon hearing his reminder, Jian Qingyu immediately echoed, "That's right, that's right, let's go home and see if our mother bought a TV."

After speaking, he ran towards home first.

Seeing this, Jian Qingfeng pulled the little girl beside her and chased after her.

Seeing this, Shen Heng sighed, and had no choice but to follow in the footsteps of the three brothers and sisters and ran towards Xin Jian's house.

The figures of the four of them running away were all seen by Jian Xiang who was standing behind them.

Of course she heard the TV set that Jian Qingyu was talking about.

Unexpectedly, her third aunt was really good, and she became the first person in the village to buy a TV.

"Qingfeng, you are back, come and watch TV, we have a TV at home to watch." Li Dongsheng waved to them happily.

It wasn't until they saw their uncle in the crowd that they realized that this place was their home.

The villagers were attracted by the content of the above TV series. When they saw the excitement, some villagers were annoyed and learned a few sets of moves from the TV series.

Jian Qingfeng hummed softly, and in the next second, his gaze was fixed on a TV that was playing a TV series not far away.

At this time, what was playing on the TV was a TV series from the Shanghai booth.

After finishing speaking, he dropped the schoolbag on his back and ran happily into the crowd.

Jian Haotian returned home just after dark.

At this time, Li Dongsheng, who was watching TV with the villagers in the crowd, also saw them standing at the door.

Before he could say anything, the second brother next to him yelled, "The TV is a real TV. Brother, our mother really bought us a TV. Great, our family There is a TV to watch."

On the other hand, when Jian Qingyu's three brothers and sisters ran home, they were taken aback by the villagers who were sitting in their yard on the spot. At first they thought they had gone to the right place.

"You." Before Jian Qingfeng had time to say another word, he saw his second brother who was standing beside him just now squeezed into the crowd.

On this day, the villagers went back to their homes reluctantly after having had a TV addiction.

Isn't it just a TV, who can't afford it!

"Brother, our house is really lively today." Jian Qingyu swallowed, turned her head to look at the quiet elder brother and said.

As soon as he got home, he found that the yard at home was a bit messy.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a TV set at the door of the main room.

"Dad, our family bought a TV." Jian Qingyu ran to him with an excited face and shared this happy event.

Jian Haotian immediately thought that his wife must have bought it.

"Well, we have a TV at home, but we still need to study, so we can't watch too much." He smiled and patted his second son's head.

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