Chapter 419 Isn't it Yellow?

When Jian Qingyu heard this, she immediately made a bitter face, "Dad, did you discuss it with my mother? She told me that just now. I think you must have discussed it to bully me."

After hearing what he said, Jian Haotian rubbed the top of his head angrily and amusedly and smiled, "Stinky boy, what are you talking about, even if I really discussed it with your mother, it's for your own good, your class exam Already?"

When Jian Qingyu heard this, she immediately shook her head, "No, I haven't taken the exam yet, so dad, I'm going back to my room to do my homework first."

After speaking, he ran into the room where they lived as slippery as a loach.

Jian Haotian looked at his fleeing figure, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and cursed, "Stinky boy."

In the kitchen, Li Qiaomu was busy making dinner for his family.

For her, today is a great day, half of her debts have been paid, and a TV has been added to the house. On such a good day, of course she wants to reward her family and herself with a delicious meal.

Just as she was busy in the kitchen, suddenly a tall figure appeared from behind her.

Looking at this familiar figure, she knew who it was without turning her head.

Neither of the young couple made a sound, but the atmosphere here is very warm.

"After paying back the half, I can let go of more than half of it in my heart. In a few months, I will return the other half. The burden on me will really be lightened, and I will no longer have to worry about the bank Take back the properties of my farmhouse."

After Li Qiaomu blew up the things in his hands, he had time to mention what he did today to the man on fire.

In the quiet kitchen, there is only the crackling sound of firewood burning.

"It's just in time for me to come back. Help me light the fire. Don't let it go out. If it goes out, my food will not taste good." Li Qiao gave instructions to the tall figure owner who came in behind him without turning around.

"Well, I'll make good money in the future, so you won't have this kind of fear anymore." Although the daughter-in-law's words seemed to be very happy, but he heard her, but he only felt sorry for her.

"Daughter-in-law, do you still remember what our director told you last time that the team will cooperate with us to buy vegetables?"

When it comes to making money, Jian Haotian remembered something that his boss stopped him when he got off work.

Jian Haotian, who was about to hug her from behind, heard her words, had no choice but to retract his half-stretched hands, and then followed his wife's instructions, obediently squatting on the stove and starting a fire.

Li Qiaomu, who was about to do other things, immediately stopped what he was doing when he heard his question, looked at him seriously, nodded without thinking, "Of course I remember."

After answering what he asked, Li Qiaomu thought for a while, and she narrowed her eyes. According to her understanding of this man, this man would not bring up this matter for no reason.

"Why are you asking about this matter? It's been so long, and there's no news over there. Isn't it Huang?" she asked.

Jian Haotian raised his head, looked at her with happy eyes and said, "No Huang, when I got off work today, our bureau chief called me over to talk about this matter again, and someone will be sent over there tomorrow, when you Come with me to the bureau to meet the people who came over there, and talk about specific cooperation matters."

(End of this chapter)

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