Chapter 420: The Birth of Fruit Wine

After hearing his words, Li Qiaomu was shocked for a long time. She thought that this matter had passed for so long, and there was no movement there. Now people have found them again.

And she believes that if this matter is really achieved, then her arrears can be paid off in one and a half months in less than two or three months, and she probably can still save a little.

"Okay, this is a great thing. Today is really a great day. I'm so happy. Take out the fruit wine I brewed later, and let's taste it together." She said happily.

Jian Haotian nodded, "Daughter-in-law, can I drink this fruit wine?"

Li Qiaomu smiled happily, "You can drink it, and I can drink it if I say it can be drunk."

In the evening, the whole family sat together, and even Brother Jian's family was invited to have dinner together.

After the second sister-in-law Jian vomited last time, she went to the hospital for an examination and found that she was really pregnant.

On the day they came back, the couple were overjoyed, and the second sister-in-law Jian was so happy that she burst into tears.

Although they are not patriarchal parents, in this rural area, people who don't have a son will indeed be looked down upon. Therefore, the young couple still wants to have a son or a son.

The second sister-in-law Jian who was pregnant this time moved out from the old Jian's house, and she could eat whatever she wanted. Her body was several times stronger than when she was pregnant with the eldest and second child. Now she looks rosy.

He is not a drinker, but this time when he smelled the fruit wine, he realized that he actually likes to drink.

Li Qiaomu poured a glass for each of the adults present with a smile, and children were spared.

Although it is fruit wine, it is also brewed with white wine, so there is still some alcohol.

"Sister, your fruit wine is so fragrant, even more fragrant than those hundreds of dollars in the city. I must drink a few more glasses later." Li Dongsheng's saliva was about to flow when he smelled the fruit wine Out.

As soon as the lid of the jar was opened, a delicious aroma of fruit and wine wafted out of it.

In the end, God took pity on the couple, and actually allowed Second Aunt Jian to conceive again.

At the dinner table, Li Qiaomu happily brought out the fruit wine he brewed last time out of a jar.

After so many years, the couple always thought that this wish would never come true, and they also planned to raise two daughters in this life.

Jian Qingyu saw that there was fruit wine in front of the adults, and the fruit wine looked red and had a particularly fragrant taste, which made him greedy.

"Mom, give me a drink too, just a little, I don't want more." Jian Qingyu immediately flirted with Li Qiaomu.

For things that are not good for children, Li Qiaomu will never agree, no matter how soft-hearted she is.

"No, although this is fruit wine, there is still alcohol in it. You children can't drink it. I'll buy a bottle of drink for you children tomorrow." She said firmly.

As soon as Jian Qingyu heard it, she knew that her desire to drink was gone, so she pouted her mouth and lowered her head in disappointment to eat the food in her bowl.

On the other side, Shen Hua took a sip of the fruit wine, with an intoxicated expression on his face, "Sister-in-law, the fruit wine you make is really good, it's many times better than the wine those foreigners drink."

(End of this chapter)

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