Chapter 431 Come Out

"It is estimated that this child is afraid that we will scold him, and now he is hiding. I searched at home, but I couldn't find him, and I don't know where this child is hiding?" At first, Li Qiaomu was not very happy. Urgent, but it's so late now, and the child hasn't come out yet, so she can't help feeling anxious.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was so anxious, Jian Haotian secretly wrote this small account for the second son in his heart.

"Don't worry, I'll go find him, don't worry, this kid won't hide too far, I guess he's hiding near our house." He comforted her with a voice.

After listening to his words, Li Qiaomu's uneasy mood gradually calmed down a lot.

"Let me go and look for it with you. If I don't find this kid, I won't be able to concentrate on doing anything now."

Seeing this, Jian Haotian had no choice but to agree, so the young couple turned around and left the house, looking for someone outside.

Li Qiaomu was planning to go to the village to look for it. She was just about to leave when the man beside her suddenly grabbed her arm.

Li Qiaomu turned his head angrily, and was about to ask him what time it was, when Jian Haotian winked at him just as he was about to speak.

Li Qiaomu immediately followed his eyes and saw a familiar corner of the clothes in a corner of the door.

So Li Qiaomu could see clearly at a glance that the corner of the clothes was not someone else's, but was worn by the second child they were looking for now.

When Li Qiaomu saw him walking towards that side, he was worried that this man would lose his temper, so he scolded his second child there, so after he took two steps, she immediately chased after him and pulled Touching the corner of his clothes, he confessed, "Let's talk about it, don't scold him, there are some things we haven't understood clearly, it's never too late to ask before scolding him."

Jian Haotian gently patted the back of the hand that was holding the corner of her clothes, and comforted, "Don't worry, am I that kind of person, you forgot what I do."

Li Qiaomu looked at his handsome face with a smile, and loosened the corner of his clothes, "Who knows you, if this person gets angry, he won't remember what he does."

"What are you doing, I'll go and pull him out." Li Qiaomu told him in a slightly unhappy tone.

Seeing that he wouldn't act recklessly, Li Qiaomu didn't keep him any longer, and waved his hands and said to him, "Okay, stop being silly here, go and get him out of here."

Li Qiaomu was about to go up to call for someone, but suddenly his arm was grabbed by the man next to him.

Jian Haotian quickly turned around and walked towards that corner.

The clothes of the three children in the family were all bought by her herself, and she was very familiar with all the clothes worn by the three brothers and sisters.

Jian Haotian didn't get annoyed that his wife was angry with him now, instead he said very considerately, "You stand here, I'll pull him out."

Seeing his daughter-in-law's face suddenly changed again, Jian Haotian stretched out his hand to touch his nose, thinking to himself, no wonder colleagues in the bureau always said that a woman's heart is like a needle under the sea, which can never be touched.

Jian Qingyu, who was hiding in the corner, hadn't actually gone far. He had been hiding here all this time. Of course, he had heard what happened at home.

Hearing the approaching footsteps, he bit his lip nervously.

Just when he didn't dare to vent his anger, he suddenly saw a pair of leather shoes appearing in front of him.

Looking at this pair of familiar leather shoes, Shen Qingyu could tell who the owner of these shoes was at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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