Chapter 432 Don't Dare Anymore

He slowly raised his head, looked at his father standing in front of him expressionless, and whispered, "Dad."

Jian Haotian looked at the second son with no waves in his eyes, "You are so courageous, if you don't come back so late, you don't have to worry about me and your mother, come home with me."

After speaking, he ignored the second son behind him, turned around and left first.

Jian Qingyu looked at his father who just turned around and left in disbelief. It's over like this. Father won't beat him anymore?
"Hurry up and catch up, don't you really want to try my stewed meat with bamboo shoots?" Just as Jian Qingyu was in a daze, he suddenly heard his father's threatening words full of majesty in front of him.

"I don't want to taste it, I'll come right away." He quickly responded, and then stepped forward to catch up with the tall figure in front of him.

After running for a few steps, Jian Qingyu saw her mother who had been looking for her.

Thinking of the words he overheard here, he lowered his head sadly and shouted, "Mom, I'm sorry for making you worry."

Li Qiaomu looked at his second son who was safe and sound, and when he thought that he had been worrying all afternoon, the anger that had been pent up in his heart suddenly burst out.

"Come here." She waved at him with a calm face.

This kid Jian Qingyu is also stubborn, no matter how painful the pain in his buttocks is, he still doesn't say a word, with a stubborn expression on his little face.

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked in the direction of the house without looking back. As for the father and son behind her, she ignored them at all.

Looking at the angry figure of his daughter-in-law, Jian Haotian glanced at him with a complaining face and said nothing, his little face still looked like his second son who was not wrong, "Stinky boy, I let you kill your father this time, you Mom even got mad at me."

Jian Qingyu hesitated for a while, and finally walked over with two short legs.

Li Qiaomu shook his hand away vigorously, without looking at him, but continued to stare at the stubborn second son, "You come home with me, we'll talk when we get home."

"I told you to hide, I told you to hide, you still refuse to come out after hiding, don't you, you want to die of me, you brat, you are getting more and more courageous, and you still dare to hide." With just one sentence, she hit his ass with her hand.

Jian Qingyu didn't say anything, and followed Li Qiaomu in the direction where Li Qiaomu walked in.

And the force of the slap was the real one, as soon as he slapped it, he felt a stabbing pain in his buttocks on both sides.

"Mom, me." Before he finished shouting, his ass was slapped several times by his own mother in the next second.

After Jian Haotian was stunned for a moment, when he remembered to stop him, his son had already been hit several times.

"Daughter-in-law, stop beating. Didn't you tell me just now not to beat the child? You, you couldn't hold it back. Talk to me if you have something to say." He stepped forward to persuade his wife with red eyes.

The father and son walked in one after the other. Before they came in, the father and son saw the figure standing there in the yard.

At this time, Jian Haotian pushed the second son who was not leaving, and lowered his voice, "Stinky boy, go and coax your mother, so that your mother will not be angry."

Jian Qingyu turned her head and glanced at the father with contempt.

After a while, he still walked towards the figure in front, and after getting closer, he called out softly, "Mom, I'm sorry, I know I was wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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