Chapter 435 Severing Relationships
I hate that my little son eats such a good food, and I don't know how to bring some to her and the old man so that they can eat too.

In the next second, she saw the second grandson Jian Qingyu sitting at the dinner table.

"Stinky boy, you still have the face to eat. Come here and apologize to your uncle." After speaking, Jian's mother strode towards Jian Qingyu.

When Li Qiaomu saw the direction she was rushing towards, he immediately stood up and stood in front of Jian Qingyu, his son, to block him.

When she stood up, Jian Haotian on the other side also stood up to protect his wife and children beside him.

Before Jian's mother could get close to her second grandson, she was stopped by this stalwart figure in front of her.

"Why, what do you want to do, are you going to fight against me?" Jian's mother asked the youngest son who was blocking her way with bared teeth and staring eyes.

At this moment, Jian Haotian stood like a pine tree, motionless.

"This is my home, anyone who dares to touch my wife and children, I will not let it go." Jian Haotian said this to her expressionlessly.

Jian's mother looked at the youngest son with frightening eyes, her heart skipped a beat in fright, and she didn't dare to mess around again, for fear that the youngest son would really beat her as a mother.

But Mother Jian, who has always been used to being competitive, would not give in so easily. She rolled her eyes and immediately wiped away her tears, "Okay, you heartless, I thought I gave birth to you at the beginning. , now that you have a wife and children, you don’t want me as a mother, you still want to beat me as a mother, right?”

Li Qiaomu looked at Jian's mother who was wiping her tears with the back of her hand, she never thought that the old woman was not as stupid as before, she actually changed her strategy, she stopped doing such things as throwing and rolling, and instead came up with a bitter plan.

"Is it because after I touched your wife and three children, you are going to beat me to death as a mother, right? Well, you can hit me, you can beat me as a mother, anyway, you don't treat me as a mother If there is delicious food at home, don’t remember to use it to honor me and your dad, you have long since lost us.” Jian’s mother cried with snot and tears.

Jian Haotian looked at Jian's mother who was crying hoarsely with a blank face. For some reason, there was no disturbance in his heart. When he heard those words just now, it was as if he was listening to something an outsider said, and there was nothing in his heart. feeling.

Mother Jian, who was about to cry dry, saw that the son in front of her still had no sign of wanting to come forward to comfort her. Seeing that she was about to stop crying, she had no choice but to return to her usual domineering appearance, and again He yelled, "You heartless, I really gave birth to you in vain. If I knew you were so heartless, I shouldn't have given birth to you."

When Jian Haotian heard her repeating the words she used to swear, her eyes immediately turned gloomy, "Then just pretend you never gave birth to me. I told you a long time ago that you can pretend you didn't give birth to my son. I will repay your kindness of bringing up to you."

Mother Jian was stunned for a long time before she could understand what the youngest son wanted to express. Why did she listen to the youngest son's words as if she was about to sever ties with them.

"Stinky boy, what do you mean by this sentence? Are you going to sever ties with us? You don't want us to be with your dad, do you? Do you still have a conscience? If it's not me and your dad, you Now, you are developed now, so you don’t want us, right?”

(End of this chapter)

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