Chapter 436 Is Here To Ingratiate

Although the two elders love their elder son dearly, since the younger son was separated from the family, they have watched the younger son's life become more and more prosperous. On the other hand, the elder son they have been loving all the time is now living in a mess. Regret the choice.

If it weren't for the two old men who couldn't bear the face to beg the youngest son to take him in, they would have wanted to live with the youngest son's family a long time ago.

Now when she heard that her younger son was going to sever ties with the old couple, Jian's mother burst into tears of fear, this time she was really scared.

If the old man in the family knew that it was she who made the youngest son want to sever ties with their old Jian's family, the old man would have to drive her back to her natal family.

Thinking that she is quite old now, if she is really sent back to her natal family by the old man, then her old face will be lost.

"Whatever you say, anyway, I still say that, since our family is separated from the old Jane's, it is two families. As for the kindness you and my father raised me, I will not forget it. When you get old, I will pay to support you for a hundred years."

Jian's mother was still crying with sadness, she only knew in her heart that the youngest son planned to abandon them.

"My son, don't talk about it, can you stop talking about it? As for your elder brother, I don't care about it. Can you take back what you just said?" Jian's mother stepped forward and grabbed Jian Haotian's hand and begged .

Li Qiaomu on the side looked at the tearful old woman without any sympathy.

She knew that if Jian Haotian's eldest brother was promising, Jian's mother would not have the current attitude at all.

This truth, Jian Haotian also thinks clearly in his heart, after all, he is in that line of work, and he sees many things clearly in his heart.

"It's too late. Some things don't mean that if you don't want to ignore them, you can treat them as if they never happened." After speaking, he turned around and told his brother-in-law Li Dongsheng, "Dongsheng, please send my mother back."

When Li Dongsheng heard this, he immediately rolled up his sleeves, and promised Jian Haotian with an impatient expression, "Don't worry, brother-in-law, I will definitely send my aunt back safely."

Jian's mother didn't want to go back at all at this time, she wanted to coax the son in front of her, and she didn't want to go home.

It's a pity that no matter how beautiful her thoughts were, she still had the least strength. She didn't go forward to coax people, but Li Dongsheng pulled her arm and walked out to the gate of Xinjian's house effortlessly.

All the way to the back, Jian's mother's unwilling cries could still be heard in the yard.

Li Qiaomu looked at the silent Jian Haotian, worried that this man would feel sad, so he secretly shook his hand while no one noticed, and gave him a little comfort from her.

Jian Haotian, who was really sad in his heart, saw his daughter-in-law holding his hand at this moment, and felt a little better.

The three brothers and sisters looked at each other, and there was a pity in each other's eyes. It's a pity that they didn't use any more strength when they hit that person today.

After this incident, Mother Jian will come here for two days, but she is not here to make trouble, but to please.

The family turned a blind eye to her flattery. Mother Jian saw that she hadn't benefited from her flattery after two days, so she didn't come again, but she didn't dare to come here again to make trouble.

Another week passed peacefully like this.

Early in the morning, Li Qiaomu went to the vegetable field to prepare the green vegetables over there. After they took them away with a green car, she was about to go home and have a good sleep. But before she could do anything, she saw Li Dongsheng, who went out to deliver food, ran back with a panicked expression.

(End of this chapter)

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