Chapter 437
"Third Sister, Third Sister, something serious happened, something serious happened." He shouted as he ran over.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu quickly asked him to stop not far away, "What happened, in such a hurry, can you lose your money?" After she finished speaking, she smiled to herself.

Li Dongsheng knew the seriousness of the matter, so he didn't smile, but looked at her with a very serious expression on his face.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu also realized that the matter seemed to be really serious. He suppressed the smile on his face and began to ask seriously, "What's going on, please speak carefully."

Li Dongsheng then told her the whole story.

"Sister, what should I do? The patients in the hospital are now gnawing on our vegetables and they are admitted to the hospital. Now many people in the circle who bought our vegetables know about it. There are still several customers who follow me today. I'm inquiring about it."

Li Qiaomu frowned immediately after hearing this, "Are you sure that the patient in the hospital said that he was admitted to the hospital because he ate our vegetables?"

"That's what people outside say. As for whether it's true, I'm not sure. Didn't I rush back to tell Third Sister as soon as I heard the news?"

Li Qiaomu pursed his lips, knowing in his heart that this matter must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise, this matter would affect his vegetable business and the business of the farmhouse.

"Do you know which hospital the patient is in now?" She quickly looked up to Li Dongsheng and asked.

When Li Dongsheng heard this, he immediately nodded vigorously, "I know, I found out, the patient is now living at the People's Hospital."

Speaking of this, he asked excitedly, "Sister San, are we going to settle accounts with the person who slandered us, or do you want me to go with some brothers?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the third sister in front of him suddenly knocked hard on the top of his head.

"Bring someone, who are you bringing? You think we're going to fight. We're good citizens. You forgot what your brother-in-law does, don't you? If you still fight, I think you want to fight." Li Qiaomu said angrily. Give this brainless brother a lesson.

Li Dongsheng has always admired himself as the third sister. In his heart, this third sister is more respected than his parents.

So even if he was beaten by the third sister now, he was just aggrieved and didn't dare to say anything more.

"You go to the car and wait for me. I'll go home. When I come, let's go to the People's Hospital to see if the patient really ate our vegetables and entered the hospital. "

After explaining this sentence, Li Qiaomu quickly turned around and walked towards home.

After returning home, Li Qiaomu took some things and left the house with a handbag.

At the entrance of the village, she got into the car driven by Li Dongsheng.The siblings drove towards the People's Hospital in the city together.

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the gate of the People's Hospital.

Li Dongsheng had inquired in advance which ward he lived in, so the two siblings quickly found the patient who was hospitalized this time.

As soon as the two siblings walked to the door of their ward, they heard scolding voices coming from inside.

"What's the use of the ghost vegetables, they are so expensive, they almost killed people, I must tell everyone not to buy those organic vegetables, it's a liar."

"Sister, the organic vegetables you mentioned are not the ones that are very popular in the city now, right? That vegetables seem to be eaten by many people. Are you mistaken? Our family also eats them, and my family eats them too. It's all right."

(End of this chapter)

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