Chapter 438 Poisoned

"How could I be mistaken? Look at my son. It's because of the organic vegetables in that store that he is almost dead because of the poison."

At the door of the ward, the two siblings listened to all the scolding inside without missing a word.

Li Dongsheng was furious when he heard it, "Sister, that aunt inside is too disgusting, she hasn't figured out this matter yet, how can she be sure that her son ate our vegetables and had an accident?"

Li Qiaomu gave him a serious look, then strode inside without saying anything.

As soon as she walked in, the cursing inside suddenly stopped.

"Comrade, who are you looking for?" Someone in the ward asked kindly.

Li Qiaomu looked at the hospital bed of the old lady who scolded the most fiercely just now, pointed to her bed and said, "I'm here to find her."

The old lady who was accused was taken aback, the arrogance just now had disappeared without a trace, she shrank back a little and asked, "Who are you, I don't know you."

Li Qiaomu looked at her and said, "I'm the owner of Organic Vegetables, and I'm also the one you scolded just now."

As soon as she said this, the ward fell silent, and a needle could be heard falling to the ground.

After being quiet for a while, the old lady immediately became aggressive again when she heard Li Qiaomu's self-introduction, "Okay, you guys finally showed up. I thought you wouldn't show up, so I feel guilty. Look at you guys." The green vegetables killed my son."

The old lady pointed angrily at the man lying beside her.

Following the direction she pointed, Li Qiaomu saw the sick patient, a young gay man in his 20s, who had woken up and was lying on the bed.

When Li Qiaomu looked over at him, the man was too guilty to look directly at her.

His strangeness made Li Qiaomu immediately realize that this matter was really tricky.

"Hi comrade, my name is Li Qiaomu, I am the owner of organic green vegetables. It is rumored everywhere in your family that you came to the hospital because you were poisoned by eating my green vegetables. I want to ask you if this is true. What?" When asked this sentence, Li Qiaomu stared at him with a face that did not allow him to hide.

The man squeaked and didn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

His appearance made his mother, that is, the old lady just now, anxious, so she took the initiative to speak for him, "Son, don't be afraid, Mom will speak for you."

After finishing speaking, the old lady immediately turned her head to look at Li Qiaomu, "That's right, my son was poisoned by eating your vegetables. The doctor said that if my son hadn't died, if I didn't have time to come here for rescue, I My son is about to die, you guys are so cruel, to make money, you actually put poison in the vegetables, you are not afraid of going to hell."

"You are talking nonsense. The vegetables in our house are all clean. I don't know how much our vegetables sell in a day. So many people eat our vegetables. Why is it that other people have nothing to do, but your family has something to do? I think you want to You want to slander us." Li Dongsheng couldn't help standing up and confronting the old lady.

"Why am I talking nonsense, it's obvious that your vegetables are going to kill people, let me tell you, our family won't let this matter be so cheap." The old lady shouted ferociously.

Li Dongsheng's head was about to smoke from the anger of this unreasonable old lady.

At this moment, his arm was pulled down by the third sister beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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