She lived here well, but this woman came to harm her, it was really unlucky for her grandma's house.

After Jian Haotian finished speaking, he didn't see his daughter-in-law before continuing to ask, so he lowered his head, only to find that his daughter-in-law's cheeks were puffed up, as if she was very angry.

Seeing a daughter-in-law like this, Jian Haotian held her little white hand in distress, "Don't be angry, give me some time, as long as this person wants to hurt you again, I will definitely catch her by the tail."

Li Qiaomu, who was upset in his heart, felt better when he heard him defending himself, "Don't be angry, why should I be angry because of that kind of life, I won't be angry anymore."

If she got angry because of this incident and made something wrong with her body, wouldn't that make the enemy happy?

Hearing her words, Jian Haotian bent his mouth, held her face and kissed her tenderly on her lips, "That's right, you are worthy of being my Jian Haotian's daughter-in-law, you should be rewarded."

When Li Qiaomu heard his words, he was both angry and funny, and raised his hand to pat his chest, "You are the one who rewarded me!"

Seeing that she could still laugh and flirt with him, Jian Haotian smiled happily. As for who is rewarded, it doesn't matter, as long as the daughter-in-law in front of him is happy.

The young couple hugged each other all night and had a good night's dream. The next day, Li Qiaomu just woke up when she heard someone calling her at the door.

She had just finished brushing her teeth and came out to take a look, only to find a person standing at the door.

He Xiao was a little anxious at this time, and walked in directly after hearing Li Qiaomu's invitation.

"Comrade He, what do you need from me?" Li Qiaomu asked someone to come in while talking.

Now that she heard him directly asking about this matter, she didn't hesitate, and quickly answered his question, "Yes, that's what I mean."

Seeing that someone wants to make tea for himself, He Xiao hurriedly stopped him, "Comrade Li, I don't drink tea anymore. I came here this time to find you. I just heard from Brother Alai that you should stop serving small customers like us." Is the food served?"

He Xiao got an affirmative answer from her, and immediately became anxious, "Why, is it because we small customers take less quantity, so you don't serve us food?"

It is a customer who has been buying her vegetables.

In fact, when Li Qiaomu was standing at the gate of his house, she had already guessed that he was here for this matter.

Seeing him stand up anxiously, Li Qiaomu immediately comforted him, "Comrade He, don't worry, sit down and let's talk about this matter slowly."

At this time, He Xiao also realized that he seemed too excited, so he sat back slowly, and his tone was a little more relaxed than before, "Comrade Li, I really don't understand why you did this, if you treat us If there is any dissatisfaction, we can change it."

Li Qiaomu knew that people misunderstood his decision this time, "Comrade He, things are not what you think, and I don't dislike the small amount you take. On the contrary, I am in business, and I want you to help me." Selling green vegetables, but now a very serious incident happened, this serious incident made me realize that it was too dangerous for me to disperse the green vegetables and sell them too much."

When He Xiao heard this, he suddenly remembered something he had heard about organic vegetables in the past two days.

"Comrade Li, did you make this decision not to let small customers like us buy vegetables because of the incident that has been rumored outside the past few days?" He Xiao asked seriously.

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