Li Qiaomu didn't hide anything, and nodded frankly in front of him, "That's right, because of this matter, I can't do anything about it, so please understand us."

He Xiao was silent for a few seconds at this time, "I can understand, but if you don't provide me with vegetables to sell, then my family really doesn't know what will happen in the future, because I want to sell your vegetables, I quit my job, seeing that this day has hope, now you come here again, I, I..."

Li Qiaomu knew about him. Speaking of which, Comrade He was one of the first customers to sell her vegetables.

"Otherwise, Comrade He can be our agent for organic vegetables."

"Agent, what's that for?" He Xiao asked excitedly when he heard this new word.

"To put it simply, it is to help us sell organic vegetables. Of course, you are still the boss. We provide organic vegetables, but you must have a store of your own, and I only have one requirement, which is to manage the organic vegetables you buy. "

He Xiao, who originally thought he was going to be finished, heard her words, and suddenly felt that hope came to visit him.

"It sounds good. That's fine. I'll be an agent. I'm willing to give it a try." He Xiao agreed to the proposal without thinking.

This method was also suddenly thought of by Li Qiaomu, but now it seems that this method is quite good.

That quickly landed her an agent.

Almost knocked him out,
They are the only store here that specializes in selling organic vegetables. Although the pancakes are not ready yet, he seems to see the picture of the store he didn't open is making a lot of money every day.

He Xiao hadn't figured out what this agent was doing before, but now, he felt as if he had picked up a huge pie.

There are fewer customers, so she wants to see how the guy behind her can still trip her up.

He didn't know if other people knew how good this organic vegetable was, anyway, he had been selling this for the past six months, and he had seen clearly how good this organic vegetable was.

"Okay, don't worry, besides the supply from major hotels, yours is the only store here that specializes in selling my organic vegetables. It is the only one." This is the only guarantee she can give him.

It can be said that as long as customers have eaten the organic vegetables here, they will come back to buy them, and they still buy a lot.

Later, he also generously took some vegetables for his family to eat, and he also tasted it himself. Not to mention, the organic vegetables are really delicious, and he and his family feel that since eating this organic vegetables After eating vegetables, the minor ailments of their family members are gradually getting better.

Up to now, he leaves a few catties for his family to eat every day.

"Comrade Li, is what you just said true? Is it true that I am the only store in our city that specializes in selling your organic vegetables?" He still doesn't quite believe that this pie will fall on him.

"Of course it is true. Don't worry, Comrade He, I can assure you that you will only benefit from being the agent of our green vegetables, and there will be no benefits."

He Xiaoxiao nodded vigorously with a smile. He already felt it. If he was the only one in the city selling this organic vegetable, he fully believed that the business would explode.

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