Chapter 451 Suspicious

"Okay, I'll do it, I've decided on the agency." Afraid that this opportunity would be lost, He Xiao quickly agreed.

In the end, he even offered to sign a contract. Li Qiaomu was naturally willing to do so, and quickly drew up a contract. The contract was signed in less than half an hour.

When He Xiao left, he was smiling, not the frowning look he had before he came.

After sending He Xiao off, Li Qiaomu turned around and went back to the kitchen to eat the uneaten breakfast.

She had just finished her breakfast and was stopped by several villagers before she left the village.

"Haotian's daughter-in-law, I heard people say that you don't plan to sell these vegetables, what's the matter?"

"Could it be because I almost ate a dead person, so I dare not sell it?"

Li Qiaomu, who hadn't paid much attention to their questioning, immediately looked up at the middle-aged man who had just spoken when he heard the latter sentence.

It looked a little strange, not like a villager.

So she rushed forward and blocked his way.

"That's right, this person can tell at a glance that he is not a good person. What's worse, could he be a flamboyant?"

Li Qiaomu didn't answer his question, but stared at his slender monkey face seriously for a while, and then she looked at a few villagers she knew around her, "Uncles and aunts, take a look." Is this person from our village?"

The middle-aged man didn't expect that he would be stared at just for saying a word, and he wanted to run away with an embarrassing expression on his face.

Little did he know that his act of fleeing with a guilty conscience made Li Qiaomu even more suspicious that something was wrong with this middle-aged man.

"Wait a minute." She immediately called out to the figure who was about to escape.

Immediately afterwards, someone asked the middle-aged man, "Who are you and why did you come to our village?"

What was even more frightening was Wu Liang. He just came to watch the woman in front of him being lively, so how could he spread the word that he was a flirt.

Although she doesn't often walk around the village, she still remembers some villagers more or less, like the middle-aged man in front of her, she has no memory at all.

After she asked such a question, the big guys realized that there was an outsider standing beside them.

The middle-aged man glared at Li Qiaomu who stopped him, "What do you want to do, why are you stopping me and not letting me go?"

"I, can't I just pass by?" Wu Liang replied stammeringly.

Li Qiaomu looked at his guilty look and sneered, "Passing by, if you pass by, why don't you go anywhere, but come to our village."

"No, not from our village." Someone replied immediately.

Li Qiaomu realized that when he finished shouting, instead of stopping, he walked faster and faster.

When someone yelled like that, everyone was startled immediately.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not a flirt, I'm just passing by, don't stop me, I'm going back."

After finishing speaking, seeing that the woman was still blocking his way, Wu Liang raised his fist and threatened Li Qiaomu fiercely like a dog jumping over the wall, "Stinky bitch, let me get out of the way, or I will beat you to death."

What he said didn't annoy Li Qiaomu, but it did annoy the surrounding villagers around her.

Their village can develop so well now, all thanks to Haotian’s wife, and the road at the entrance of the village, when it rains in previous years, it is a muddy yellow mud road, but this year, this road has been repaired, and now It became a concrete road, and they no longer had to worry about getting covered in mud when they went to the city to buy and sell things.

(End of this chapter)

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