Chapter 452
So when they heard that this outsider was actually threatening Li Qiaomu, who had been kind to them in Jian's village, they pointed at him excitedly and began to curse.

"Bastard, who are you going to beat up? Give it a try. Don't look at where this place is. How dare you beat people from our village on our territory. How dare you beat someone up." The bloody villagers immediately rushed to confront Wu Liang, even more ruthless than Wu Liang looked.

"That's right, you actually want to beat the people in our village. It's really like there are no men in our village, don't you dare to beat one?" Another person stood up.

Then came the third, and the third.

It was the first time for Li Qiaomu to see the villager's appearance as a calf protector, and seeing it made her feel very excited.

She was excited, but she suffered from Wu Liang who had just said harsh words.

He just wanted to scare the woman who blocked his way, he didn't want to hit anyone at all, unlike these people now, they all looked like they wanted to eat him, scaring him to death.

If he had known that everyone in this village was not easy to mess with, he wouldn't have taken the initiative to come here to watch the excitement.

"You guys, don't mess around. If you dare to beat me, I, I'll call the police." Looking at these fierce villagers, Wu Liang shouted while stepping back.

Everyone laughed when they heard what he said next.

"Everyone, don't chase him anymore, he can run if he wants to." Li Qiaomu shouted.

After watching them go to the field to get vegetables one by one, Li Qiaomu did not follow this time, but turned around and went home.

At this moment, a villager shouted with a smile, "Call the police, you call a try, the person you want to beat, the man of Haotian's wife is the police's wife, you are not afraid of death, you still want to beat his wife Be careful that her man will take you into prison and eat in prison."

In view of these people's protection of himself just now, Li Qiaomu wanted to thank them, so he said to them, "Uncles and aunts, today the vegetable field will give you two catties of green vegetables for free. If you want uncles and aunts, you can take them home and cook them. .”

Although people in the village grow vegetables at home, for some reason, they just think that the vegetables from Haotian's wife are delicious.

Wu Liang looked puzzled at the laughing villagers, completely confused about what they were laughing at.

As soon as he walked to the door of his house, Li Qiaomu immediately saw several sneaky people standing in front of his house, peeping at his house.

Wu Liang looked towards Li Qiaomu with a terrified expression.

Upon hearing this, the villagers present happily said many good things to her.

Seeing that the situation was not good for him, he pushed one of them away and ran out while these people were not paying attention.

Seeing this, the villagers were about to go up to chase, but they were stopped by Li Qiaomu before they could run far.

Li Qiaomu stood behind them and looked at them for a while. After making sure that he didn't know them, he walked towards them.

Standing behind them and waiting for a while, seeing that they hadn't made any other movements, she said, "Who are you, and what do you want to do at my door?"

When she made a sound, the sneaky figures at the door of the house were startled.

One of the old ladies was covering her chest with one hand, and was still cursing loudly, "Which sufferer of the plague is standing behind him and talking without saying a word, is this trying to scare people to death?"

(End of this chapter)

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