Chapter 470 Embrace

Because of this miracle, people in the village are begging her for fruit seedlings to plant.

Every time she read the name of a fruit, Zhang Xiaosheng thought that he was trying to make him happy.

"Girl of the Li family, are you talking nonsense just to make me, an old man, happy? Although I am not a tree planter, I know what kind of fruit is in which season. The types of fruits you mentioned are now outdated."

Li Qiaomu smiled, "Uncle Zhang, the three types of fruits I just mentioned are really available on the mountain. If you don't believe me, you can come and see for yourself tomorrow, and you will know if I am trying to make you happy."

Looking at her serious expression, Zhang Xiaosheng suddenly believed in what she just said.

"Okay, then I'll go to your mountain tomorrow to see for myself. If there is really any, I can buy it at the price we said before."

Li Qiaomu raised his hand at this time, "Uncle Zhang, there is something I want to tell you first."

Zhang Xiaosheng immediately made a gesture of please to her.

"Uncle Zhang, I want to drink this fruit wine by myself, you don't mind, do you?"

Zhang Xiaosheng immediately nodded at her with a smile, "You child, don't worry, we won't mind if you brew it yourself, just brew it boldly."

Li Qiaomu followed suit with a smile, "That's good, don't worry, our homemade fruit wine is only for our family to drink, and we will never sell it."

Hearing her words, Zhang Xiaosheng had a calm smile on his old face, "Girl Li, I have a question here, I wonder if I can ask?"

"Uncle Zhang, if you have any questions, just ask, don't worry about me." Li Qiaomu said with a smile.

Zhang Xiaosheng smiled, "That's fine, I'll just ask, girl from the Li family, why didn't you mention the cooperation with our winery to make wine?"

"To be honest, I did think about this plan before I came here, but after hearing what you said later, I changed my mind again. This money is always endless, and if I don't have this plan, I won't Starve to death, but the distillery would go out of business without fruit wine, and it would cause hardship for many families, so why don't I choose a more beneficial method of cooperation."

After Zhang Xiaosheng heard what she said, he had to take a high look at the girl in front of him.

Li Qiaomu said again, "Besides, it's not that I didn't make money. I even sold this fruit to your winery. Didn't I also make money, so in general, I didn't lose money either."

Zhang Xiaosheng laughed loudly when he heard her naughty words, and finally held her hand calmly, "Good boy, I thank you on behalf of all the employees in our winery, thank you young couple for your help, are you To the benefactors of all our distillery employees, thank you."

Half an hour later, after serious discussions between the two, the matter was finally settled.

After talking about this matter, Li Qiaomu and Jian Haotian didn't stay here too long, mainly because they knew that he was busy as the factory manager and they didn't want to disturb them.

After leaving the winery, Jian Haotian, who was riding a bicycle, found a place where no one had walked and stopped the bicycle suddenly.

Li Qiaomu was confused by what he said, and before he had time to ask him what was the matter, the next second, he got out of the car and hugged her into a warm and strong embrace, His smell wafted into her nose.

(End of this chapter)

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