Chapter 471 I am not a good person
Li Qiaomu smelled his body, patted him on the back with a smile, and asked with a smile, "What's wrong with you, why are you cuddling here so well, what if people see this? "

Jian Haotian's deep voice quickly drifted into her ears, "Don't worry, few people pass this road, and no one will see us. Let me give you a good hug."

When Li Qiaomu heard his words, he realized that this guy came prepared.

She tried to break free from his arms, but the guy took a little effort and she had nowhere to go.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu stopped struggling and let the man in front of him hug him.

I don't know how long the young couple hugged on this quiet road. When Li Qiaomu felt that his feet were getting tired from standing, the man finally let go and pushed her gently out of his arms.

"Daughter-in-law, you are so kind. I, Jian Haotian, have married you in this life. I must have burned some kind of incense in my previous life." He gently helped her roll up a lock of hair that fell from her forehead with tender eyes.

Li Qiaomu felt happy when he heard him praise her, but she wanted to know why this man was so crazy now, and why he praised her so well.

"Of course I know I'm fine, but can you tell me what is your plan for praising me so well?" After she finished speaking, she immediately narrowed her eyes, "You're not doing it outside behind my back." What are you sorry about me?"

Just when Jian Haotian, who was thinking that he was so happy, heard her words, a dumbfounded smile appeared on Jun's face, "What are you talking about, am I that kind of person, I have you in my life is enough." After finishing speaking, he His fingers flicked lightly on her forehead.

When Li Qiaomu heard this, he finally understood why he said so many nasty things to him. It turned out that it was because of what she did in the winery.

"Actually, you still think too well of me. If I'm really a good person, I should give them the fruits from our mountain for free, but I still sold them to their winery. Speaking of which, I still value my interests. people."

"I just think my daughter-in-law is the best person in the world. When I was in the winery, I was very touched by what you did." He looked at her affectionately and said this sentence.

Jian Haotian looked dotingly at her moving eyes that turned around, no need to ask, he knew that this little woman must be helping him to think again.

After thinking about it, she really couldn't figure out what stimulated this man.

Jian Haotian didn't like her talking about herself like this, without further ado, he lowered his head and blocked her nonsense little lips.

His lips were blocked suddenly, and Li Qiaomu stared at the man in front of him with wide eyes.

Li Qiaomu pouted his seductive red lips and touched his forehead, which was slapped by him, "Since there is no such thing, why are you praising me like this? What stimulated you?"

Seeing the astonishment in her eyes, Jian Haotian bent his lips slightly, and after kissing Fangze for a long time, he reluctantly let go of her lips.

"I don't allow you to talk about yourself like this. In my heart, you are the best." He kissed again with a domineering expression.

Next, the young couple spent more than ten minutes here before continuing on their way.

When he was about to leave the city, Li Qiaomu suddenly remembered about He Xiao's shop.

(End of this chapter)

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