Chapter 472
Sitting in the back seat of the car, she quickly took a picture of Jian Haotian who was riding a bicycle, "Stop, stop, we're not going home now."

Jian Haotian quickly stopped the bicycle, turned his head and looked at his daughter-in-law who was smiling at him, "Then where are we going?"

Li Qiaomu raised his hand and shouted, "Of course I went to find He Xiao. Didn't you tell me that his shop has been selected? I'll go and have a look."

Seeing that she was happy, Jian Haotian smiled, raised his hand to gently scratch the tip of her nose with eyes full of favor, "Okay, listen to you, let's not go home yet."

Immediately afterwards, he turned the bicycle head in one direction.

By the time the young couple arrived at the shop that He Xiao said, it was already 10 minutes later.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the shop, the sound of shop decoration was coming from inside.

"Is this He Xiao not bad? He actually chose the shop here. I heard that this place seems to be quite difficult to find. He actually has such a great skill." Getting off the bicycle, Li Qiaomu looked at the shop and had to say, This is indeed a very prosperous place, very suitable for buying vegetables and fruits.

Mainly because there are many people living nearby.

Although Jian Haotian doesn't understand these things, but looking at the place here, he knows that the rent in this place should not be very cheap.

After listening to his words, the young couple smiled.

Then the three of them walked into the shop.

Speaking of which, he immediately whispered to the young couple, "Sister Li, Brother Jian, let me tell you, after I signed this lease with the landlord, several people who wanted to rent came later, it's too risky. "

"It's my luck. After I heard what you said last time, Sister Li, I started looking for a shop. I also asked my relatives and friends to go out together. It's my luck. A relative of mine happens to live here By the way, no, he came to inform me as soon as he knew there was a shop rented here, and I rushed over to sign the lease with him immediately."

He Xiao is happy, as a city resident, because he is also very satisfied with this shop.

"He Xiao, you chose the address of this shop really well, how did you find this place?" Li Qiaomu asked with a smile.

"Sister Li, Brother Jian, you are here, come in quickly." He Xiao immediately put his plan behind him happily, and walked out to greet their young couple with a happy face.

As soon as he came in, Li Qiaomu immediately squinted his eyes, why did she look so familiar with the way of decoration.

"Sister Li, what do you think of my decoration?" He Xiao asked with a smile on his face.

While the young couple was looking at the shop, He Xiao, who was busy inside, was about to discuss with the workers behind him how to decorate the shop, but when he turned around, he happened to see the young couple standing at the door.

"Why does this store look familiar to me? I seem to have seen it somewhere before?" Li Qiaomu rubbed his chin and said to himself.

She was talking to herself, but the voice could still be heard clearly by the people around her.

"Daughter-in-law, isn't this decoration method the same as that of your farmhouse?" Jian Haotian looked at the bewildered daughter-in-law, the corner of his mouth slightly curved, so he leaned into her ear and whispered a reminder.

After he mentioned it, Li Qiaomu immediately got an impression. She said, why does this decoration look so familiar? It turned out to be the same as the decoration of her original Jiale. Although it is a little different, it is quite similar over ninety.

(End of this chapter)

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