Chapter 504 The little guy's ideal
"Can't it be cheaper?" Li Qiaomu wanted to buy one, and tried to make a final bargain.

It still failed, and the salesman refused to let go.

In the end, Li Qiaomu bought the computer back at this price with all his heart.

After reporting the address, the mall will deliver it to your door for free.

Coming out of the department store, Li Qiaomu also stopped thinking about going shopping again, mainly because the money she brought out was all spent now, and she couldn't go shopping even if she wanted to.

As soon as she got home, she delivered the computer to the department store on the back.

Li Qiaomu directed the workers to install the computer in the room where the children slept.

Because there was no internet, Li Qiaomu could only stare at the computer for a while.

After seeing off the installation workers, Li Qiaomu went to the mountain to catch a chicken and came back to cook.

She had just killed the chicken when the children came back from school.

Li Qiaomu had a little mischief in his heart, so he didn't immediately tell them about buying the computer.

When the little ones returned to the room, she was standing in the kitchen and was silently saying five in her heart, when she heard the unbelievable exclamations of several children in the room.

After a while, there were four children standing in a row at the door of the kitchen.

"Mom, Mom, did you buy the computer, didn't you?" Jian Qingyu couldn't wait to ask again first.

Li Qiaomu glanced at the eldest son who was usually not happy. This time, this kid was probably too happy, and a little smile appeared on his usually serious little face.

"Of course I bought it, do you like it?" She looked at the little ones and asked.

As soon as she finished asking, Jian Qingyu immediately nodded vigorously, "I like it, I like it so much, Mom, you are so good, you really bought it back."

"Mom, this computer is not cheap, right? How much did it cost?" After being happy, Jian Qingfeng asked the price a little worriedly.

Although he knows that his family is making money now, he also knows that this item is quite expensive, because he wanted to buy it with his little scholarship, but once he went to the mall to ask, only to find out that even if he went to the university, , It is estimated that it is difficult to save such a large sum of money.

Because of this, he slowly dispelled the idea of ​​saving money to buy by himself.

Li Qiaomu knew that the eldest son was no easier to fool than the second son, so he honestly told him the price.

When the little ones heard the price, they all hissed with painful expressions on their faces.

"My mother, this is too expensive, mother, have you paid for it?" Jian Qingyu bit her lip and asked.

When Li Qiaomu saw it, he stopped it immediately, "Don't bite your lip, put it down."

Jian Qingyu let go of her lips when she heard her mother's yelling, and then waited for her answer with a look of helplessness.

Seeing this, Li Qiaomu pursed his lips and nodded, "I've given you the money. If you don't give me the money, can someone send such an expensive computer to our house, idiot."

Jian Qingyu was called an idiot by her own mother, she didn't feel unhappy on her little face, instead she was smiling, as if she liked it very much.

Jian Qingfeng pursed his lips at this moment, and it was impossible to see what he was thinking on his small face.

"The reason why this thing is so expensive is because our country has not yet made this condition. We can only accept what the US says, but it doesn't matter. I will definitely make our country stronger. I will also Make our own computer, and when the time comes, beat their prices in the United States."

(End of this chapter)

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