Chapter 505 Poached

Li Qiaomu looked at the eldest son who said these words in shock.

Sure enough, a boss is a boss, and what he said is several times stronger than ordinary people.

"Well done, son, Mom believes you must have this ability. You should study hard how to make this computer. Mom supports you. Tell Mom what you need." The eldest son finally had such a great plan. Damn, of course I have to support it.

At night, when Li Qiaomu brought this matter up to the men around him, he couldn't help but feel proud again.

"Listen, our son is our son. This ambition is so great. Let me tell you, I believe that our son can do this. Maybe in the future, the computers used in our country will not be from the United States, but our own. Yes." Speaking of this, Li Qiaomu now felt a burst of enthusiasm in his heart.

Jian Haotian, who was holding her in his arms, listened to his wife's words, and raised the corner of his mouth, "I also believe in this child Qingfeng, I believe that our child will not be bad."

"By the way, is He Xiao's store open today? How's the business?" Because he had something to do today, he didn't have time to go there to watch, and this store was the first one opened by his wife in the city. Of course he should care a little bit.

When Li Qiaomu heard him ask this question, he immediately got up from his arms with an excited face, "It's so lively, let me tell you, if you didn't come to visit this time, it's really your loss. When I went , The store was full of people who came to buy vegetables, and he was called in by his wife to help after he spoke to me a few words."

Jian Haotian looked at his daughter-in-law's excited smiling face, and the corners of his mouth began to laugh, "It looks like our organic vegetables are well known."

"That's right, every household in the city doesn't know our organic vegetables." Li Qiaomu boasted proudly.

Jian Haotian watched her slightly raise her red lips, and swallowed subconsciously.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed. Before Li Qiaomu had time to observe, her lips were blocked by a warm thing in the next second.

After a night of spring breeze, when Li Qiaomu woke up the next day, he had another day with back pain.

As soon as she finished her meal, she heard her second sister's anxious voice drifting in from outside.

Hearing his second sister's anxious cry, Li Qiaomu hurried out of the kitchen with his rice bowl in his hand, "Second sister, I'm here, what happened?"

Li Qiaoxin saw this little girl at the door of the kitchen, and panted, "Something has happened, little girl, what should we do, our farmhouse has no chef."

When Li Qiaomu heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "Second sister, are you confused? Didn't our farmhouse hire a chef to help? Why do you say there is no chef? Are you confused? "

Li Qiaoxin was breathing well at this time, and then he slowly talked about this matter, "There was a chef before, but now, our chef has been poached by someone, and he won't come, so I took it this morning." Just leave with a resignation report, it's too bullying."

Speaking of this, Li Qiaoxin cried out of anger at what the chef did.

Her little sister was very kind to all the people who helped the farmhouse, but in the end, some people just didn't fill in enough. When she saw that others were attracted by good profits, she abandoned her little sister. She was so inhuman.

(End of this chapter)

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