Chapter 717 Core Characters
Jian Qingfeng stepped forward and touched those things with his hands a few times, "I know everything, I happened to be researching this recently, Mom, why did you bring these things home."

Hearing that the eldest son said that he was researching this thing recently, a happy smile appeared on his face, "That's great, your mother, I want to use these things to make something, but your mother doesn't know much about these things, if you know How to use them, teach your mother me."

Hearing that he could teach his mother, Jian Qingfeng's immature face immediately showed an expression of excitement, "Well, okay, I will teach my mother."

Li Qiaomu stepped forward, put his hand on the top of his head and stroked it, "Then mom will thank our Xiaofeng."

"No, no thanks, I'm also very happy to help mother." When he said these words, his eyes were about to light up.

Li Qiaomu saw that his usually mature son was now so easily shy as a little boy, and immediately felt amused, so she gently pinched his cheek again. Now, she saw the boy's earlobe They all turned red.

It just so happened that tomorrow was Saturday, after breakfast, Li Qiaomu followed his eldest son to this room and started studying.

During this study, Li Qiaomu realized that this eldest son is very good. Not only is he good at computers, but this kid also knows a lot about this.

At this time, she finally understood that in the book, the original heroine and heroine would suffer such a big loss at the hands of this kid, because this kid is smart.

The mother and son stayed in this room for a long time, and Li Qiaomu, the mother, finally figured out all these utensils, and at the same time knew their uses.

After studying for half a day, Li Qiaomu felt a little dazed at this moment.

"Mom, if there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me again." At this point in the teaching, Jian Qingfeng explained seriously.

Li Qiaomu is now stroking his head with a look of being content, "Okay, thank you Xiaofeng for your hard work today."

Jian Qingfeng blushed again in an instant, "No, you're welcome, I'm very happy to help mom."

I usually see my mother touching the head of my second brother. From yesterday to now, he has been touched by his mother, and finally realized why the second brother likes being touched by his mother so much, because the feeling of being touched by his mother is as sweet as eating candy of.

In the afternoon, Li Qiaomu began to get busy with these utensils.

Fortunately, in the past few years, the spiritual spring on her body has been able to be closed freely. The most important thing is that the flow has increased a lot. On average, she can receive a small half bucket of spiritual spring water every day.

Although it is half a bucket of spiritual spring water every day, don't underestimate this small half bucket of spiritual spring water. If it is diluted, there will be a lot of usable water.

After picking up the small half bucket of spiritual spring water, Li Qiaomu also started to get busy.

On this day, the family only knew that she had been in that room all day, but no one knew what she was doing there.

Finally at night, when Jian Hao came back from get off work, he heard his family members talking about this matter, and came to him with a worried expression on his face.

Standing at the door, he was just about to knock, when suddenly the door opened from the inside, and the person who came out was the core figure that the family had worried about all day.

Seeing someone at the door, Li Qiaomu asked curiously, "Why are you here?"

Hearing her question, Jian Haotian turned sideways helplessly, and then showed her the night outside, "Let's see what time it is now?" His tone was full of helplessness.

(End of this chapter)

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