Chapter 718 You Can Promise

Li Qiaomu passed behind him, only then did he realize that it was actually night.

"Is it so late, I'm sorry, I was too self-forgetful in it, I didn't pay attention to the time for a while, let you worry."

Jian Haotian wasn't really angry with her, but just angry that she was too serious and didn't even come out of the room all day.

"Don't be like this next time. You haven't come out all day, and the family is almost worried."

Li Qiaomu immediately nodded vigorously, and promised in a sound voice, "Okay, I promise you, if this kind of thing happens again next time, you will be angry with me and ignore me for a month."

Hearing her oath, Jian Haotian reached out his hand and scratched the tip of her nose in a speechless manner, "What are you talking about, am I ignoring you for a month? I think you are punishing yourself, you It's punishing me."

When Li Qiaomu heard his complaint, he was immediately amused, so he told him, "Then what do you say, I will listen to you."

Jian Haotian rubbed his chin and thought for a while, but in the end he didn't think of any punishment for her to do this next time, so he said, "Let's keep this punishment for now, and when you commit a crime in the future, I'll think about how to punish you." .”

"But now, there is the most important thing, don't you feel hungry now?" He looked down at her stomach.

Li Qiaomu, who didn't feel much at first, felt very hungry after hearing his reminder.

"Hungry, I'm so hungry that I can eat a whole cow now." She joked with him with a pitiful look while hugging her stomach.

After hearing her words, Jian Haotian shook his head and smiled, held her hand, and said, "Then what are you waiting for, go out to eat, the whole family is waiting for you."

After speaking, he took her hand and walked towards the front hall.

Li Qiaomu followed behind him, looking at their tightly held hands with gentle eyes, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter and brighter.

She really wanted moments like this to be around them often.

"Jian Haotian, let me tell you one thing. If you call me next time and ask me to go there to teach planting, you can agree to them. Also, tell them that I have one condition, This time, I must go with you."

Jian Haotian who was walking in front stopped immediately when he heard her words, and turned his head to look at her, just in time to see her smiling face as bright as the sun.

"Did you really promise them?" He looked at her and asked with surprise in his voice.

Li Qiaomu smiled and nodded lightly, the fear in his eyes was gone now, "Go ahead, it's not a bad thing anyway, if the teaching is really successful, it's still a great achievement, I'd rather try it try."

Jian Haotian stared at the expression on her face for a while, making sure that what she just said was not forced, and then said, "Okay, I guess they will call in the next two days, and then I will replace you You promised them, and your condition, I will tell them, in fact, even if you don't mention this condition, I will tell them, I don't worry about letting my daughter-in-law go to such a far place alone. "

Hearing his affectionate words, the corners of Li Qiaomu's mouth curled up, and his heart felt as sweet as eating candy.

When the young couple were discussing this matter, they came to the living room in the front yard unknowingly. At this time, the whole family was guarding the dining table, waiting for the young couple to come out for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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