Chapter 723 I Know It All

Hearing the second sister's understanding words, Li Qiaomu breathed a sigh of relief, and then the two sisters talked for a while.

It wasn't until it was getting late that Li Qiaoxin separated from the younger sister and went back to their respective rooms to rest.

As soon as Li Qiaoxin left, Jian Haotian, who had been guarding outside all the time, walked into the room.

Li Qiaomu, who packed up at the back, saw him coming back, and asked amusedly, "Where did you go, I didn't see you in the middle of the night?"

Jian Haotian smiled and stepped forward to help her with the last bit, and at the same time answered the question she just asked, "Didn't I see the second sister chatting with you in the room, so I didn't come in, and then I met you in the yard. Wen Leibo, who didn't sleep, I chatted with him again."

"Just pack these, is there anything else to pack?" Seeing that there was only one luggage bag, Jian Haotian looked up at his wife who was about to go to bed and asked.

Li Qiaomu put down the tied hair on his head, heard his question, turned his head to look at him, and replied, "No, that's all, the journey is too far, I don't want to bring so many things, I plan to There is really something missing, let’s buy it when we get there.”

Jian Haotian nodded, he quite agrees with his wife's idea on this point.

Soon, the young couple turned off the lights, hugged each other and chatted.

"I really didn't expect these three children to think about it on their own this time. I heard them say such comforting words at the dinner table. I was relieved and a little sad. The sad thing is that they seem to have grown up. You don’t need me to be a mother anymore.”

When she said these words, she felt a little sore in her heart, and she couldn't help but recall in her mind how wary the three of them were to her when she just crossed over, as if she could vividly remember it.

Although Jian Haotian didn't know why his daughter-in-law said these words suddenly, he could feel that her daughter-in-law was not feeling well, so he stretched out his hand and pulled her into his generous embrace to comfort her.

"Look, when the children were sad before, you were also sad. Now that they have figured it out, you are still sad. Don't you think your psychology is quite contradictory?"

Li Qiaomu buried his head in his chest, and said in a sad voice, "I was really sad when they didn't want me to go far away. It was because they didn't want me, and I also didn't want them. I'm sad now because of them. Being forced to grow up, I feel sorry for them, do you understand."

Jian Haotian is sure that if he dares to say that he doesn't understand, his wife will be able to drive him out of this bed tonight.

"I understand, I understand your feelings, and I can't bear them." He hugged her tightly and said.

As he said that, he lowered his head and found the alluring little red lips in the darkness based on his feeling. After kissing for a while, he deepened the intensity of the kiss.

After a while, the temperature in the room slowly increased, and soon there was a sound that was not suitable for children floating slowly from inside.

In the morning of the next day, although the young couple indulged overnight, neither of them forgot that they were going to travel far today, and they woke up a little earlier than usual.

It is rare for the family to sit together for breakfast this morning.

When eating in the morning, the dining table was quiet, and everyone looked as if they were quietly eating the breakfast in front of them.

But only they themselves know that their hearts are not peaceful today.

(End of this chapter)

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