Chapter 724

After breakfast, their train was at nine o'clock. The young couple didn't stay at home, so they went to the train station in the car driven by Li Dongsheng.

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the gate of the train station.

Seeing that there was still half an hour left, Li Qiaomu explained the family affairs to his younger brother again.

"Third sister, don't worry about taking care of things over there. I'll help you look after things at home. Besides, I'm not the Li Dongsheng I used to be. I've been following you for so many years, so I should learn something from you. gone."

Li Qiaomu looked at the confident light in his eyes, and smiled, "Okay, with your words, the third sister can rest assured, you work hard, if there is something at home that you can't solve, you will give it to me." We'll call, and when we're over there, I'll call back."

Li Dongsheng stopped talking at this time, and nodded slightly with his head down.

"Why don't you talk anymore, what are you doing so low?" Seeing this, Li Qiaomu reached out to lift his chin in a funny way.

She was taken aback by this lift. The younger brother who was usually smiling in front of her had red eyes, as if he had cried.

"You." Li Qiaomu looked at him in surprise.

Li Dongsheng knew that he had fallen into a trap, so he quickly lowered his head and said, "Third sister, don't get me wrong, I didn't cry just now, it's just that something flew into my eyes just now, I wasn't crying at all."

Li Qiaomu looked at the stubborn younger brother in front of him, and felt sad, but he still didn't point out his little lie.

"Then be careful when you go back. I'll go with your brother-in-law first." She patted his shoulder and said.

Li Dongsheng froze when he heard that, and slowly raised his head, his voice was a little hoarse, "Okay, sister, brother-in-law, you have a good journey."

In order to prevent this little brother from crying here, Li Qiaomu hurried into the station.

When she came to the waiting room, through the window, she found that after they entered, her little brother was still standing there, looking in the direction they entered.

Seeing this scene, Li Qiaomu felt a little uncomfortable. Usually, her little brother looked heartless, but she never expected to have such a side.

Just when she was feeling a little uncomfortable, suddenly a hand was put on her shoulder, "Don't look, let's sit over there for a while, the train will come soon."

Li Qiaomu nodded, and the young couple held hands and sat down on the empty seats over there.

The train finally arrived at the station after 10 minutes. The young couple finally got on the train after checking the tickets in their hands.

As soon as he got on the train, Jian Haotian grabbed the hand of his wife behind him and found their compartment.

The young couple bought tickets for upper and lower berths. In the end, Jian Haotian slept in the lower berth, while Li Qiaomu chose the upper berth.

The young couple had just made their beds when another young couple came in.

But because they were unfamiliar with each other, the four of them just nodded to each other as a greeting.

In the following time, Li Qiaomu took out a book he brought out in advance and read it.

Jian Haotian took a nap, and after waking up, he began to take all the food and drink he brought to the upper berth.

"Daughter-in-law, are you hungry, would you like to eat some?" He used a bamboo skewer to fork a piece of home-grown fruit to her mouth.

Li Qiaomu raised his eyes and saw the piece of fruit beside his mouth. The corners of his mouth were bent, and he opened his mouth to bite the fruit he handed to her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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