Chapter 725 You Are Heartless
The homemade fruit is delicious, eating it makes me feel like I have been injected with chicken blood, and I feel like I'm alive again.

Seeing that he was the only one to eat, Li Qiaomu took the bamboo skewer from his hand, forked a piece of fruit and put it near his mouth.

The young couple made eye contact, and Jian Haotian immediately smiled and opened his mouth to eat the piece of fruit in front of him, and finally he did not forget to boast, "Sweet, the fruit my wife forked is sweet."

Li Qiaomu blushed, and gently pinched his arm, "Don't talk nonsense, there are others here."

At this moment, Jian Haotian realized that it's not just the young couple here, there are people around.

He blamed himself for being too forgetful, and even forgot his ability to be a job. Thinking of this, Jian Haotian felt a little ashamed, and he still threw it in front of his wife, and his handsome face turned red.

The picture of the young couple loving each other has actually seen the picture of their love for a long time, and now it is because they are having some small conflicts.

The young couple were talking quietly at this time.

"Look at how loving your couple is, and the man even feeds his wife fruit himself. Just look at you, you know how to sleep, you sleep as soon as you come up, and you don't take care of me at all. I think you don't have me in your heart. "

The man was sleeping vaguely, and suddenly the object beside him was kicked awake, and then he heard the object complaining to him in a very complaining manner.

"Aren't I too sleepy now? Don't be angry. When I sleep well, I will treat you twice as well, okay?" The man coaxed her carefully, holding her hand.

The woman snorted lightly, and shook off his hand, "Come on less, you'll make me happy, I won't be fooled by you again, let me tell you, I want to eat fruit now, you go and give it too I'll buy."

When the man heard this, he looked embarrassed, looked at the place, leaned into her ear and whispered, "Chunxiang, this is a train, where there are fruits for sale, don't embarrass me, when we get to my house, I will go to my house I will pick it for you in the backyard, my family has grown a lot of fruit, which will surely make you eat enough."

The woman became even more angry, and kicked him hard, "I see you don't have me in your heart, I don't care, I just want to eat fruit, I want to eat fruit now." After saying this, the woman turned and went back to her lower berth .

The man suddenly looked embarrassed, and looked up at the couple on the upper bunk, wanting to grit his teeth.

It's all the fault of the couple being so affectionate here, otherwise, he wouldn't have to make such a difficult effort to coax the little ancestor around him now.

At this time, the young couple who didn't know that they were being blamed didn't know what happened on the other side.

The two fed each other one bite at a time. After a while, the box of fruit cubes they brought was eaten up by the two of them.

Looking at the remaining piece of watermelon, Jian Haotian changed hands and forked it to Li Qiaomu's mouth, "There is one piece left, eat it."

Li Qiaomu burped. Although the two of them ate together, she knew that most of the box of fruit cubes went into her stomach. The man in front of her didn't eat much at all, and he let her eat.

"I don't want to eat. I'm so full now. Help me eat this piece of watermelon." After finishing speaking, she took his hand and put the piece of watermelon into his mouth, watching him eat it with her own eyes. Stomach, and then let go of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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