Chapter 726 It's finally here
Jian Haotian looked at the daughter-in-law in front of him tenderly, grabbed the back of her hand and placed it on his lips, kissed her lightly before letting go.

Li Qiaomu blushed, and quickly glanced at the other side, but fortunately the young couple on the other side didn't peek, so she was relieved.

"Stop making trouble, I want to sleep for a while, you go down for me." She kicked his hand with her foot.

Jian Haotian grabbed her foot, touched it lightly, and then said, "Then you sleep well, just call me if you need anything."

Li Qiaomu was blushing now, as if her face was about to burst into smoke, "I got it, I got it, hurry up and get down."

Jian Haotian smiled softly, watching her delicate face get down from the upper bunk with a bit of reluctance.

As soon as he went, Li Qiaomu breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time felt a little sweet in his heart, suddenly felt that this long journey was actually not so uncomfortable.

Then the young couple stayed on the train for nearly six days before arriving where they were going.

As for the young couple who lived opposite them, they got off the train on the third day.

After getting off the train, when Li Qiaomu stepped on this place, he realized that the living conditions here are too harsh.

Because of the geography and weather, although there seems to be a lot of land here, there are very few that can be used.

As soon as the young couple walked out of the train station, Li Qiaomu just stood looking at the place for a while, and then a young man in army green clothes and a five-pointed star hat stood in front of them.

"Hi, comrades, are you Comrade Li Qiaomu and Comrade Jian Haotian?" The young man saluted them first, and then asked loudly to the young couple in a slightly bright voice.

Jian Haotian saluted him, the young man saw his standard salute, as if seeing his brother, his eyes lit up.

"This is my wife, Comrade Li Qiaomu, and I'm Jian Haotian." He introduced to the young man.

"Hello, my name is Wang Erga. I was sent by the Jiang Tuan to pick you up." Wang Erga smiled happily on his charcoal-tanned face.

It was only at this time that Li Qiaomu realized that there are people who are as black as black charcoal in this world. When she saw this metaphor in the book before, she felt that the book was a bit exaggerated, but now, she knows that this is not true. Not exaggerating.

At this time, Wang Erga also noticed that Comrade Li in front of him was staring at his face, and immediately touched his face with his hands in embarrassment, and explained with a simple and honest smile on his face, " My face is a little bit darker, but it is sun-dried, we have been in the sun all year round, and it has become like this after a lot of sun exposure."

Seeing his embarrassment, Li Qiaomu immediately smiled and told him, "I think Comrade Wang looks pretty good-looking, and you have a manly air."

Wang Erga didn't expect people to praise him for his appearance, his black face was startled, and then he lowered his head with an embarrassed expression.

If his face wasn't so dark at this moment, he might still be able to see the blush on his face, but it's too dark to see his shyness.

When Jian Haotian at the side heard his daughter-in-law praising other men for being manly, he raised his brows subconsciously.

In the next second, he stared at Wang Erga with serious eyes for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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