Chapter 727 Smooth Entry
I couldn't help thinking in my heart, could it be that his daughter-in-law now has a dark-skinned face?

Soon, the three came to the car Wang Erga was driving.

Li Qiaomu put the hat she brought on her head as soon as she got out of the train station. At this moment, she found that the man beside her was not wearing the hat she gave him, and his face was still big and straight. basking in the sun.

After getting into the car, Li Qiaomu gently pulled his arm, and said in a low voice, "Why didn't you wear the hat I gave you just now, you are not afraid of being blackened."

After seeing Comrade Wang's black face at the gate of the train station just now, she was thankful that she had the foresight. When she came here, she prepared a sunscreen hat in advance. Unfortunately, at this time, this sunscreen is not available yet. , otherwise, she would have brought it here.

When Jian Haotian heard the question from the daughter-in-law beside him, he turned his head and glanced at her, and said, "I want to get a little tan, so that I can be manly."

When Li Qiaomu heard his strange words, he slightly raised his eyebrows, what the hell did he say.

Seeing her raising her eyebrows and thinking about what he just said, Jian Haotian kindly reminded her, "Didn't you just praise Comrade Wang for his manly face? I don't want my wife eyes on other men's faces."

After hearing his jealous words, Li Qiaomu immediately understood everything. The corners of her mouth curled up, and she almost laughed out loud. Fortunately, at the last moment, she covered her mouth with her hands, so she didn't laugh.

Sneaking a glance at Comrade Wang who was sitting on the co-pilot seat, she made sure that he was watching the road ahead, so she secretly put her mouth next to his ear and spoke at a volume that the two of them could only hear. He whispered in his ear, "Do you know, in my heart, even if you are not black, you are full of masculinity, because in my heart, you are the most powerful."

When Jian Haotian, who was still holding back a little anger, heard her words, the anger in his heart disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by his joy.

Not long after he finished speaking, Li Qiaomu saw a smile on the man's face, and she couldn't help laughing too.

At the beginning, the car was still driving towards the county town, but gradually, Li Qiaomu realized that they were getting farther and farther away from the county town, and the place they passed was also very desolate, there was a desert everywhere, and there was no green leafy thing at all.

The car drove on the desert-like road for nearly several hours and finally stopped.

When passing by the location of Chagang, Wang Erga explained a few words to the guards, and then the car they were sitting in went inside smoothly.

This is also the first time Li Qiaomu has come to this kind of place after living for two lifetimes. Before she got out of the car, she saw several groups of cute people in army green clothes walking in front of her. Immediately, it took root in her heart.

After entering it, the car stopped shortly after driving.

Immediately afterwards, five or six people walked towards them, and opened the car door for them enthusiastically.

"You are Comrade Li. Hello, Comrade Li. My name is Jiang Xinxu. You are welcome to be our instructor." The position is also higher.

(End of this chapter)

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