Chapter 728

"Hi Jiang Tuan, I'm Jian Haotian. I used to serve in the XX Corps, but now I'm retired." Seeing his boss, Jian Haotian took the initiative to salute him, and announced his previous position loudly.

Hearing this voice, Jiang Xinxu's face became a little more serious, and he returned a salute to Jian Haotian, and then said with a smile, "Comrade Jian Haotian, you married a very great daughter-in-law, and I will thank her on behalf of all our comrades here." s arrival."

When Jian Haotian heard that someone praised his wife, he immediately laughed more happily than if he praised him, and said, "Thank you for the compliment from the leader. I also think my daughter-in-law is great. It is thanks to my daughter-in-law that I can achieve what I am today."

Seeing that he was also joining in the fun, Li Qiaomu stretched out his hand and pulled the corner of his clothes with a look of embarrassment, signaling him not to exaggerate too much.

Jiang Xinxu saw her little gesture and laughed loudly, "Comrade Li, you don't need to be humble. Comrade Jian is right. You are indeed great. You can come here from thousands of miles and leave your children behind to help us. In this matter, you are a great person."

"Jiang Tuan, please don't praise me any more. If you continue to praise me, I will be proud." Seeing that the boasting became more and more serious, she hurriedly stopped her.

Jiang Xinxu also saw that the lesbian didn't like this kind of boast, so he quickly stopped the topic.

"Comrade Li, would you like to take a rest first, or take a look at our vegetable field?" Jiang Xinxu looked at her embarrassedly and asked.

He just came here, but I wanted him to go to the vegetable field to have a look. I really felt sorry for him.

But thinking about it, he can't do anything, this place is too poor, and there are no such things as vegetables to eat. They are really afraid of this hard life, and now a person who may change their status quo has finally come, and they Naturally, I hope that this difficult day can pass quickly.

He had been resting on the train before, but now Li Qiaomu felt like his body was about to fall apart.

It's hard to find something to do, so she naturally hopes to go shopping elsewhere and exercise her muscles.

"Let's go and have a look at your vegetable field first," she said.

When Jiang Xinxu heard this, he immediately said happily, "Okay, okay, great, then I'll show you the vegetable field on our side, we'll go now, you and us."

After finishing speaking, his black face, which has always been known for its cold face here, had a rare frizzy expression this time.

Even the four colleagues behind him watched and secretly covered their mouths and laughed.

Li Qiaomu didn't know what they were laughing at, so he didn't ask. Seeing that Jiang Tuan was about to go far away, he quickly followed him.

Under the leadership of Jiang Tuan, after walking for nearly ten minutes, they finally came to a large sandy field behind this area.

Li Qiaomu originally thought that she would see some green vegetables that didn't grow very well here, but when she got closer, she found that there were only a few green vegetables planted in this field, and they were still the kind that were dying. It's so desolate that people don't dare to take another look after seeing it.

"Well, the things you grow in the land here are a bit special. You can grow a few green vegetables in so much land, and these few vegetables are really a blessing." After reading for a while, Li Qiaomu finally found this nice sentence to say to the person in front of him. Jiang Tuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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