Chapter 729

Jiang Xinxu smiled wryly, "It's okay, Comrade Li, just say what you want to say, we can understand that our vegetable fields here are really not very good, in fact, we don't blame the logistics people here, they also I want to plant this land full of green vegetables, but as you can see, the land is full of sand. Even if we water it every day, the green vegetables still don’t grow big, and they look half dead every day. We also worry about this. Our people practice so hard every day, how can we eat meat for this meal, we must eat some vegetables, don’t you think so?”

After listening to his long complaint, Li Qiaomu pursed his lips, turned his head and continued to look at the large so-called vegetable field behind him.

"Jiang Tuan, I don't seem to be able to solve your situation here. You called me before and asked me to teach you the experience of growing vegetables. I thought it would be enough to teach you how to grow vegetables. But in this situation, you are asking me to It’s a bit difficult for me to teach you how to grow vegetables in this sandy land.”

When Jiang Xinxu heard this, he immediately interrupted her, "Comrade Li, you must not be modest, you may not know that the vegetables on your side can survive in the sandy land on our side for more than one year after our experiments. month, this growing season is the longest growing time on our side.”

Li Qiaomu raised her eyebrows, why didn't she know that the vegetables in her family had the ability to resist drought.

"We believe that the vegetables you grow will be able to adapt to our weather and geographical environment." Jiang Xinxu continued.

Seeing that she was still silent, Jiang Xinxu went on to say, "Comrade Li, our only hope now is in your hands. You must help us here. If we can't eat green vegetables all the time, the comrades in our team will become physically ill. Poor, when the time comes, not only will we not be able to help the country, but we will also hold back the country, please."

As soon as he finished speaking, the comrades behind him begged Li Qiaomu, "Comrade Li, please help us."

Li Qiaomu was really embarrassed at this time. Before she came, she always thought that they invited her here to teach the method of growing vegetables, but now standing here, she was told that it was more difficult than she thought before.

Seeing them looking hopefully at him one by one, Li Qiaomu suddenly felt as if his body was being pressed down by a stone, heavy!
"Let me think about it, and I'll give you an answer tomorrow." She didn't promise them immediately.

Jiang Xinxu also knew that this matter needed to be carefully considered, so he stopped a few colleagues behind him who wanted to talk again.

"This is what it should be. We all understand it. Let's continue talking about it tomorrow."

"Let's go eat first. Today, a batch of vegetables and braised lamb shank came from the cafeteria. Comrade Li and Comrade Jian must have never tasted our food. You should try it later." Jiang Xin Xu said to the young couple with a smile.

When walking on the road to the canteen, the young couple could tell that along the way, these people were intentionally or unintentionally telling the two of them about their hard life here, as well as the difficulties of the big guy.

They finally came to the cafeteria. When they walked in, it was just in time for dinner. There was a sea of ​​people inside, and everyone was wearing the same clothes. Li Qiaomu was dazzled and couldn't tell which one Which is it.

(End of this chapter)

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