The Age of Rebirth: The Veteran Rough Man Carried His Hot Wife Home

Chapter 745 You Didn't Lie To Me, Did You

Chapter 745 You Didn't Lie To Me, Did You
When Li Qiaomu took it out, he found that there was not much surprise on Jiang Tuan's face.

But it's right to think about it, this is someone's territory, and the people around her who help her are all sent by them. Of course, they know exactly what she has done here. She guessed that they must have been on her first When you take it out for the first time, you already know it.

It's just that what she didn't want to understand was that this Jiang Tuan knew about this matter but never asked her about it, which was a bit interesting.

Jiang Xinxu took it like a treasure, opened the bag and took a look, and found that, as Zhang Feng reported to him, it contained crystal particles about the size of fertilizer.

However, he knew that these crystal particles were much more important than the chemical fertilizers sold on the market, and their effects were immeasurable.

"Comrade Li, don't worry, we will take good care of these crystal grains." After looking at the bag, Jiang Xinxu tied up the bag solemnly, and raised a pair of firm eyes to assure her.

When Li Qiaomu heard his answer, a half-smile flashed across her pretty face. It seemed that she really guessed right, this Jiang Tuan really knew everything.

Jiang Xinxu can sit in this position, and his eyesight is not too bad. At this time, he saw the smile on Li Qiaomu's face, and he suddenly understood a little bit in his heart.

Soon, the two showed a meaningful smile at each other.

At this moment, Liu Jianguo, who went in to pick vegetables, led the people out with an excited face, and the five people behind him each carried a large basket of green vegetables.

"Good news, great news, can you guess how far I picked these vegetables?" He asked with a mysterious smile on his face, looking at the people present.

Hong Xincheng didn't want to waste time guessing, so he was the first to stand up and interrupt him, "I'm talking about Lao Liu, you fart as soon as you have something to say, and talk as soon as you have something to say, what are you doing with so much nonsense?"

Liu Jianguo, who was just happy, heard his disappointing words, and immediately rolled his eyes at him, "Old Hong, you are really, I am in a good mood now, why are you saying such ugly words now, you are too disappointing .”

Hong Xincheng didn't feel that he was disappointed, and he retorted vigorously, "Where did I say something wrong, what I said was not wrong at all, just say what you have to say, it's tiring to go round and round."

Seeing that this person couldn't make sense, Liu Jianguo quickly stretched out his hand to interrupt him, "Okay, okay, I won't talk to you spoiler, you shut up, if you don't want to listen, you can stand aside, I don't care, I'm talking to Comrade Li and Lao Jiang now."

Hong Xincheng snorted softly, stomped his feet twice, and said, "Why do I want to stand aside, I won't stand, I want to stand here, what's wrong."

Liu Jianguo exhaled angrily, and when he turned his head to look at Jiang Xinxu and Li Qiaomu, an unstoppable smile appeared on his face again, "I only picked two parts of the five baskets of vegetables, and the I only picked two points of land, I simply can't believe that the vegetables here grow so well."

"Old Liu, you didn't lie to me, did you really pick so many lands for only two points?" Jiang Xinxu also couldn't believe it when he heard this.

"Why am I lying to you? If I don't believe you, you can go in and see where I picked it. I really only picked two points, but seriously, it's less than two points, and it's almost there. .”

(End of this chapter)

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