Chapter 746 is great

Speaking of this, Liu Jianguo clapped his hands happily, and said excitedly, "It's all over now, people here don't have to worry about not being able to eat vegetables anymore."

Jiang Xinxu turned around at this time, firmly held Li Qiaomu's hand, and thanked him solemnly, "Thank you, Comrade Li, you have really helped us all here, and I will replace all the comrades here. A sincere thank you to you."

Others expressed their gratitude to her one after another.

At this moment, Hong Xincheng pursed his lips. At this time, he walked up to Li Qiaomu with a heartfelt expression and apologized earnestly, "Comrade Li, here, I, Hong Xincheng, sincerely apologize to you. I was not good before, saying that you did something like this. It's like playing house, it's my bad mouth, you don't remember villains, don't bother with me."

Li Qiaomu hurriedly stopped him, firstly, he had a high position here, and secondly, he was considered her elder in terms of age.

"Hong Tuan, I accept your apology," she said.

In the cafeteria at noon, the soldiers who ate found that there were green vegetables in today's meal. After they inquired, they found out that these vegetables were grown in their own area.

As soon as this news came out, all the comrades in the district were very happy.

Li Qiaomu also noticed the green vegetables that she grew herself, not to mention the taste is not bad, it is no different from the green vegetables from Jian's Village, after all, they are all watered with spiritual spring water.

Two days later, after Li Qiaomu took the people to plant the last batch of vegetable seedlings, he proposed to Jiang Xinxu that he wanted to go home.

Jiang Xinxu also knows that the young couple has their own small family, and it is impossible to stay here to help them all the time.

In the end, he happily agreed to let them go back.

After booking the train tickets, Li Qiaomu told Zhang Feng and a young comrade sent by Jiang Xinxu two days ago about the way of watering these vegetables.

Once the matters here are dealt with, it will be the day when the young couple will go back.

When the young couple went back this time, what used to be one luggage bag has now become four travel bags.

The remaining three bags are local products here, and half of them are gifts from the comrades in the district.

This time when the young couple went to the train station for a ride, all the leaders in the district came to see them off in person.

"Comrade Li, we need to call frequently in the future." Jiang Xinxu said with a smile.

Li Qiaomu smiled, "Naturally, if there is any problem in the vegetable field, please call me here."

When Jiang Xinxu heard her words, the corners of his mouth curled up in satisfaction. Comrade Li is really not an ordinary person. He didn't point out anything, but people could hear what he meant from his few words.

It's a pity that such a person is actually a lesbian. If it was a gay man, he would definitely try his best to recruit him here as a soldier.

"Okay, with Comrade Li's words, we can rest assured."

Speaking of this, he thought of another very important thing, "Comrade Li, I want to ask you this crystal grain, where did you get it, and if I run out of crystal grains here, where can we buy it? "

Li Qiaomu smiled faintly, "Jiang Tuan, I made this by myself, the materials are very scarce, and the bag of crystal grains I gave you is used once a day, even if it is used every day, it is estimated that it can be used for decades. "

(End of this chapter)

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