Chapter 757

Soon, Li's father and Li's mother, who entered the house to pack their clothes, came out of the house one after another.

The old couple who came out saw so many people standing in the main room. The old couple looked at each other and looked at you. Although they didn't know what happened, they didn't say anything.

"Dad, Mom, you go back to my little sister's house to stay for a few days. Once the matter here is settled, my second brother and I will go to my little sister's house to pick you up." Brother Li stepped forward and said guiltily. road.

Father Li glanced at the eldest son, sighed for the last time, walked up to his son who was a head taller than him, stretched out his hand and patted the elder son on the shoulder, and confessed seriously, "Solve it properly, I'm not in a hurry with your mother, remember , everything is going well at home, do you hear me?"

Brother Li's eyes turned red, and he nodded heavily, "I see, Dad."

Second Brother Li also came forward at this time, "Dad, Mom, I'm sorry."

There are no parents in the world who blame their children, and the same goes for Li's father and Li's mother.

Even if the two sons broke their C's heart this time, they still couldn't bear to be angry with these two sons.

"Forget it, your mother and I will treat this incident as if it never happened. You all have to live a good life and don't break up this family."

"The days before were so hard, our family survived, it doesn't make sense that the days are getting better and better, but it's not worth breaking up the family," he said again.

The eyes of the two brothers turned red, and they nodded heavily, "We know."

When they went back, Li Qiaomu paid some money and asked the villagers to drive an ox cart to take them to the entrance of Jian's village and put them down.

When Wen Leibo saw Father Li who came to live, the two old people immediately laughed and hugged each other's shoulders and went to play chess.

After staying at Xin Jian's house for a while, Li's mother insisted on going out with her little daughter to help with work.

Li Qiaomu tried to persuade him a few times, but he didn't persuade him. In the end, he had to ask his mother behind him to help.

After going out for so long this time, Li Qiaomu was most worried about the workshop.

Some time ago, Jiang Qin mentioned the matter of expanding and adding people. Because Li Qiaomu was not here, he finally handed over the matter to Jiang Qin to handle it.

Standing at the door of the expanded workshop at this time, Li Qiaomu didn't dare to admit that this workshop belonged to her before.

Compared with before, this workshop has expanded by at least half.

Walking inside, Li Qiaomu saw Mrs. Jian working inside.

Seeing that she was working neatly, even faster than the others around her, Li Qiaomu smiled, and walked forward without staying where she was.

"Daughter, how much do you pay for this work here?" Mother Li visited the workshop with her daughter, and found that there was a woman as old as her working there.

Seeing people of her own age go out to work and earn money, she felt a little itchy in her heart.

"If you do a good job, you will have nearly 100 yuan a month now." Li Qiaomu replied.

Mother Li's eyes lit up when she heard that there were so many, she pointed to herself and asked, "Daughter, can you see if I can do it, can I come to work too?" "

Li Qiaomu, who was walking forward, heard her words and turned his head with a look of surprise, "Mom, are you kidding me?"

"Why am I joking with you? I really want to make money." Mother Li said anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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