Chapter 760 I Came Prepared

As soon as one child and one child stepped out of the door of this house, two cars also drove up to them.

A group of children followed behind the car.

After the car stopped, the first person to get out of the car was none other than Ma Dongmei who had just talked to Li Qiaomu on the phone a few days ago.

"Sister Ma." Seeing an acquaintance, Li Qiaomu happily stepped forward to shake hands with her.

Ma Dongmei looked at Sister Li, who was getting younger and younger, and held her hand firmly with a smile on her face, "Sister Li, we finally met again, but you look younger than when we met last time, you Could it be that I used skin care products that I don’t know about?”

Li Qiaomu was very happy because of meeting her, but when he heard her words, he was amused, "Sister Ma, don't make me laugh."

Ma Dongmei followed with a smile, but said to her in a very serious tone, "I really didn't tease you, I was serious, look at my face, although I use our skin care products, but I will still treat it casually." With the passage of time, you are getting older little by little, unlike you, you don't get old, but you still look younger, I am almost jealous of you."

Li Qiaomu touched his face with a smile, guessing in his heart that it should be related to his long-term consumption of spiritual spring water.

In fact, not only him, but also the people in this family, the big guy's body and skin are very good.

Even the three children are in good health, and they are much taller than the children of the same age in the village.

"Forgot to talk about the business, let's go, I'll take you to see the boss." After saying this, Ma Dongmei winked at her secretly.

Li Qiaomu was amused by her action.

The two came to another car hand in hand.

As soon as they came, the door of the car opened, and a man and a woman got out of it.

It's just an old man and a young woman, wearing their clothes.

Looking at their outfits, Li Qiaomu felt displeased from the bottom of his heart, and the smile on his face became less enthusiastic.

"Sister Li, come, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Kishida, and this is his wife, Mrs. Yingzi."

Li Qiaomu nodded to the two of them, and said casually, "You two are welcome."

"Miss Li, we want to visit your factory. We came here with a very sincere intention. I'm sorry to bother you." Mr. Kishida said this passage word by word in his broken Chinese.

Seeing that he could still speak the language of his own country, Li Qiaomu gave him a surprised look.

It seems that this old man came to Huaxia with preparations, and he can even speak here!
Seeing this tricky situation, Li Qiaomu and Ma Dongmei looked at each other, and the desire to win in their eyes became more serious.

It's a challenge that motivates people.

After chatting with him for a few words, Li Qiaomu immediately asked Jiang Qin, who had rushed over, to come over and take him to visit the workshop first.

As for her and Ma Dongmei, they stayed at Xin Jian's house to discuss the next thing to do.

"Sister Ma, you never told me that this native of country r speaks Chinese so well."

Ma Dongmei smiled embarrassedly, "I forgot to tell you about this. This Kishida heard that his ancestors had been to our place. His ancestors were very interested in our Chinese language. After returning to their r country , and let them, the juniors, continue to follow suit."

(End of this chapter)

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