Chapter 761 Can't Steal

"No wonder, no wonder his Chinese language is quite upright, so there is such a story, but even so, I will not give up the plan to kill him." Li Qiaomu said with disdain.

At this time, Ma Dongmei turned her head and glanced at the direction where Jiang Qin led the people just now, and asked worriedly, "Sister Li, let people go to the workshop to visit directly like this, so they won't let people steal our technology."

Li Qiaomu smiled when he heard her worry, "Don't worry, Sister Ma, he can't steal our technology."

"That's good, so I can rest assured." Seeing that she was so confident, Ma Dongmei finally let go of the little worry in her heart.

The two quickly entered the room, and discussed how they could kill him with two swords after he finished visiting the workshop.

"I've made up my mind, Sister Li, we'll do it like this. When someone comes back from visiting the workshop, we'll sing a bad face and a bad face, and sell our products to him at several times the price. Make a lot of money, what do you think of my method?" Ma Dongmei asked Li Qiaomu's hand with an uncontrollable smirk.

After Li Qiaomu finished speaking with her, the corners of his mouth also raised, "Sister Ma, the method you said is very good, we will do as you said, I will play the red face, you play the bad face, how about it? "

"Okay, I can sing anything, as long as we can kill that countryman." Ma Dongmei said with a smile.

After that, the two sat and waited at home for nearly an hour, when suddenly a child from the village came to the house and told the two of them that the two R nationals actually went to the farmhouse for dinner.

There was no other way, the two had no choice but to go to the farmhouse again.

When the two of them arrived, two R nationals dressed in strange clothes were looking at the menu of the farmhouse in the lobby.

Their appearance made many guests who came here to eat look curious.

There are also some guests who probably thought of the crimes committed by the people of country r here, and some of them stared at the couple with hatred in their eyes.

Li Qiaomu and Ma Dongmei looked at each other, and they had no choice but to walk up to them to entertain them.

"Mr. Kishida, Mrs. Yingzi, why are you here?" Ma Dongmei looked at the two of them and asked.

"Miss Ma, I didn't expect there to be a place to eat in this small village. The building is so beautiful. We couldn't help being curious, so we came in to have a look. Unexpectedly, the food here looks delicious. I told My wife plans to stay here for lunch, so you guys should come along too." Kishida spoke to the two of them in his weird Chinese language.

Li Qiaomu twitched the corners of his mouth, but the cruelty in the corners of his eyes didn't change at all.

"Mr. Kishida, you really have a vision. This restaurant in our village has been featured in our newspaper. The taste is first-rate. In this way, let's talk about our previous cooperation while eating here. What do you think?" Li Qiaomu told him with a faint smile.

"Okay, let's talk about cooperation while eating." Kishida answered very smoothly.

Li Qiaomu winked at Ma Dongmei, and after Ma Dongmei took over to greet the two of them, she quickly took the opportunity to go to the back kitchen to give instructions.

As soon as she entered the back kitchen, Li Qiaomu was surrounded by the staff of the farmhouse and asked questions.

(End of this chapter)

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