Chapter 762
"Boss, what do those people outside do? They are wearing clothes that I have never seen before." Jian Chunhua asked curiously.

Liu Dachui spit in the direction of the outside at this time, "I saw this costume in a movie before, it was the clothes worn by the devils of country r, they must be from country r, am I right, boss?"

Li Qiaomu saw that they were all looking at him, so he answered their curious question with a smile, "Master Liu was right just now, they are from country r."

"What, so they are really from country r. What are they doing here again? They won't come to snatch our things again." Li Qiao asked anxiously.

"I see who dares to come here to grab things. If they dare to grab a chopstick here, they should also ask me if I would like to let them grab the knife in Liu Dahui's hand." Liu Dahammer held a kitchen knife in his hand, His face stared fiercely in the direction outside.

Seeing that the atmosphere here is becoming more and more tense, Li Qiaomu has no choice but to calm down quickly, "Don't be nervous, everyone, you misunderstood, they are not here to steal our things, we are not the same as before, how can they have the courage Come on, don't worry."

"Then what are they doing in our village? Sister, I also heard that the first stop they went to was your workshop. They didn't come to steal your technology, did they?" Li Qiao was worried. ask.

"It's nothing. They came to me for cooperation. They want to sell our face cream." Li Qiaomu honestly told them the purpose of the two R nationals.

"Little sister, don't you want to cooperate with them?" Li Qiao asked worriedly.

Li Qiaomu smiled, "Why don't you cooperate with them? If someone is taken advantage of by us, we must kill them. Of course, we must kill them properly and recover some of the debts they owed from Huaxia."

"And I have decided that I will donate part of the money I earn from them to help those in need."

"Boss, I, Liu Dahammer, admire you." After hearing what she said, they all looked at her with admiration.

Li Qiaomu waved his hands in embarrassment, "No, I didn't do anything, okay, let's get to work, make some delicious food and send it outside, Sister Ma and I will slaughter them properly."

"We know how to do it, Boss, you can rest assured to do your work, just leave the kitchen work to us, and we will definitely not hold you back." Jian Chunhua had a patriotic look on her face at this time, and she clenched her hands tightly A green vegetable in his hand reassured her loudly.

After arranging the affairs here, Li Qiaomu quickly returned to the hall.

When she came over, Ma Dongmei was talking hard to the r couple.

Just when she was talking a little dry, her eyes lit up when she saw Li Qiaomu coming out of the kitchen.

Although these two people from country r seem to be very talkative, but when it's time to discuss business, the couple is like taking smart medicine. A sentence was waiting for her, and every sentence was addressed to her.

Only then did she realize that it would definitely not work for her alone to talk to the couple from country r

Fortunately, at this time, her good partner Li Qiaomu came out.

(End of this chapter)

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