Chapter 763

When Li Qiaomu came over, he naturally saw Ma Dongmei's bright eyes looking at her, which immediately made her feel funny.

"You guys sit down first, I have something to discuss with my partner." After Ma Dongmei explained this sentence to the r couple in front of her, she quickly stood up and stopped Li Qiaomu who was walking halfway.

"Don't go there yet, I have something to tell you." As soon as Ma Dongmei came over, she took her hand and walked aside and whispered.

Li Qiaomu glanced at her expression, then glanced at the pair of R country people sitting not far away, and finally asked, "What's the matter, did something happen?"

Ma Dongmei secretly glanced at the pair of people from country r behind her, and then said, "Sister Li, those two people from country r are not easy, they are not easy to deal with, I think we still need to discuss how to ridicule them Just do it."

After Li Qiaomu heard her words, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, "I already guessed that they are difficult to deal with, people who can speak our Chinese language so well, now come here to do business with us, it must be It was already prepared."

Hearing this, Ma Dongmei gave her a thumbs up in admiration, "Sister, you can see clearly, do you know that just now, I almost fell into the hands of this young couple."

Thinking of the thrilling scene just now, Ma Dongmei still has lingering fears when she thinks about it.

Sure enough, the minds of these r country people are wolves, no matter what time it is.

Seeing that she was really frightened by what happened just now, Li Qiaomu patted her on the shoulder lightly and comforted her, "Don't be afraid, you still have me as a partner, I don't believe it anymore, the two of us Added together, they still can't beat their young couple."

I don't know if it's because of the comfort of her words, or what, suddenly Ma Dongmei felt that her mood, which was flustered just now, suddenly calmed down a lot.

Soon, they returned to the table where the husband and wife of country r were sitting.

"Mr. Kishida, Ms. Yingzi, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time. The food will be ready soon, please wait a moment." Li Qiaomu told them with a smile on his face after sitting down.

"Miss Li, while we have time now, let's talk about this cooperation." Kishida said slowly word by word.

The corners of Li Qiaomu's mouth hooked up, and his eyes were shining with the light that he must win, and he said to him, "Okay."

"I just visited Ms. Li's workshop. I am very satisfied, and I really want to discuss this cooperation with Ms. Li and Ms. Ma soon."

Li Qiaomu continued to listen calmly, and did not follow up on what he said.

Seeing this, Kishida raised his eyebrows. After hearing what he said, the Chinese people who usually cooperate with him would rush to express to him their sincerity in cooperating with him, like taking a step back to benefit or something, but now, These two people have no such meaning at all, which makes him unable to see through.

Li Qiaomu sneered secretly when he saw his raised eyebrows.

After waiting for a while, seeing that the two lesbians still had no intention of continuing what he said, Kishida also began to frown more and more tightly.

"Miss Li, Miss Ma, I don't know what you think about the idea of ​​joining us. Also, if you have any opinions on our cooperation, let us know first. If it is suitable, we can sign it at any time. If the cooperation contract doesn’t work, we can hurry up and discuss it.”

(End of this chapter)

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