Chapter 776 Long Memory
"That's fine, you have a long memory, why should I beat you, as long as you realize your mistake and admit it." Li Qiaomu smiled while touching the top of his head.

Xiao Yu looked at the smiling face of her mother in front of her, and asked in a low voice, "Then why didn't you and Dad say a word at the dinner table? You look like this, which makes me feel flustered. I always feel like you are going to beat me up again." .”

"We have something to ask you. I don't know how to ask you." After the young couple looked at each other, Li Qiaomu finally found the opportunity to talk about it.

As soon as Jian Qingyu heard the crisis explanation, she immediately started laughing, and said, "It turned out to be like this, it scared me to death, if you have any questions, just ask me, don't think about anything."

Seeing that the opportunity came, Li Qiaomu immediately continued, "Okay, since you agree, then we will ask you directly. How much do you know about that brother Fa who helped you before?"

Jian Qingyu was stunned after hearing this, and then said with a smile, "Mom, Dad, you all looked serious just now, so this is the question you wanted to ask, what kind of question is it, you can just ask me, why bother?" so much."

"Quickly answer this question." Jian Haotian felt itchy, wanting to beat up his son.

Jian Qingyu heard her father's impatience, so she had to quickly stop talking, and quickly answered this question, "I don't know much about this brother Fa, I only know that his family seems to be quite difficult. His father is an alcoholic, and his grandma seems to be sick. He took medicine for a year, his mother's health is not very good, and a younger sister is in elementary school, that's all I know."

Speaking of this, Jian Qingyu suddenly asked curiously, "Dad, Mom, what are you doing asking about Brother Fa?"

The young couple looked at each other, seeing something in each other's eyes.

Li Qiaomu saw that his second son was inquiring about this matter, so he quickly found a reason to prevaricate.

The next dinner Jian Qingyu ate was not so worried.

After dinner, the young couple took a shower and returned to their room.

Li Qiaomu brushed his hair, and chatted with Jian Hao who just came in about the things mentioned at the dinner table.

"Do you also think that Brother Fa has a big problem?" She turned her head and looked at him who was walking over and asked.

Jian Haotian stepped forward and snatched the towel from her hand and offered to dry her hair for her.

"The problem is indeed quite big, but these are our guesses for the time being. Don't worry. When I go to the bureau tomorrow, I will ask someone to investigate the details of this person and his family situation." He looked confident preaching.

Li Qiaomu felt relieved when he heard these arrangements, and then let the man behind him dry his hair.

After drying her hair, Jian Haotian turned his hand and threw the towel aside, and then moved his mouth to her neck.

His warm breath sprayed on her neck, causing ripples in her heart.

"What are you doing so close?" Because of his sudden approach, Li Qiaomu realized that there was a hint of lust in his voice after he said these words.

"Daughter-in-law, did you take a bath with a different type of soap?" His voice is now hoarse, which makes people think of it.

When Li Qiaomu heard his question, he thought it was true and lowered his head to smell the clothes on his body, and finally found that the smell was still the same, and there was no way to change it.

(End of this chapter)

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