Chapter 775 Take the initiative

Li Qiaomu was indeed a little anxious at this moment, everything related to her family, she seemed to be different from her usual self.

"Okay, tell me, I'll listen, I promise you, I'm not in a hurry." She took a deep breath, and her expression became much calmer.

Jian Haotian stared at her face for a while, making sure that she had calmed down, and then said again, "When I went to find Xiao Yu this time, I discovered something, it seems that this child's ability to gamble this time is not so simple , I guess someone deliberately misled him into this bad habit."

Li Qiaomu's face immediately turned ugly, he clenched his fists tightly, stared at him and asked, "Did you find out who did this?"

Jian Haotian shook his head lightly, "Not yet, but I think that Brother Fa that Xiaoyu mentioned might know something, I plan to ask this person tomorrow."

Li Qiaomu frowned and remained silent for a while, "Do you think this matter has anything to do with the Brother Fa that Xiao Yu mentioned?"

"It's hard to say, but before this matter is investigated clearly, everything is possible." Jian Haotian answered while rubbing his chin.

Because of this matter, the young couple had a heavy expression on their faces until dinner.

The beaten Xiaoyu sat at the dining table, looking restless, always feeling that when he was eating, his parents sitting at the dining table would suddenly stand up again and drag him out to beat him violently.

Obviously the food in front of him is very rich, if it was changed before, he would be happy to eat two bowls of rice in a row, but tonight, no matter how rich the food in front of him is, he can't eat it, even if he eats it, he will still taste it I can't tell what the food tastes like.

This taste is really too uncomfortable for him, who likes to eat.

He would rather his parents in front of him beat him up for the last time than to worry about whether he would be beaten all the time, even when facing the food he likes now, it doesn't taste good anymore.

At the dinner table, not to mention that he was worried about the matter, even the others didn't dare to say a word out loud.

After Li Qiaoxin came back, she also found out what the second nephew was doing from the two nephews and the niece.

When she heard about it, she was as angry as her younger sister.

This gambling thing is not allowed to get involved, if it is involved, it will be ruined.

The little girl's family had managed to live a good life, but nothing could be allowed to go wrong.

So now seeing that the younger sister and brother-in-law are silent, she is also worried.

"Dad, Mom, you better beat me up again, so that I can feel at ease." At this moment, Xiao Yu who was sitting at the dining table suddenly stood up from the chair, and walked to the young couple with a face of resignation. In front of him, he admitted his mistake.

The young couple were taken aback by his obedient appearance.

"You're itchy again, do you want me to hit you?" Li Qiaomu looked at him funny and asked.

Xiao Yu nodded, "The skin doesn't itch, but I'm scared seeing you guys keep silent, so I'd better take the initiative to admit the slap, and maybe the slap will be lighter."

As soon as his words fell, several laughters resounded at the dinner table.

Li Qiaomu pulled him closer to him, "Let me ask you, after this incident, will you play this gamble again in the future?"

"Don't dare, never dare." After being beaten by his mother this time, how dare he touch this again, and when he sees playing with this in the future, he has to hide away.

(End of this chapter)

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