Chapter 774
Li Qiaomu looked at him who came in, and saw the concern in his eyes for his two hands. His heart warmed up, and he smiled and told him, "I'm fine, I just got a little hot, and I'll take a little cold water later. fine."

"It's a little red, I'll get you some ointment and apply it, so that you won't get blisters after a while." He blew and blew on the burn on her palm.

The expression on Jun's face seemed to wish he could suffer this for her.

Li Qiaomu smiled and looked at his handsome face that worried about her. His gentleness and thoughtfulness made her fall in love with him.

After making sure that her hands were not blistered for the time being, he raised his eyes a little more reassuringly, and when he raised his eyes, he happened to meet a pair of pretty eyes that had been staring at him.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" The deep voice floated out of his mouth, as if it had magical powers, making the hearts of those who listened feel numb.

Li Qiaomu quickly looked away, and stubbornly refused to admit what he had just done, "Where did I see it, I was looking elsewhere just now, don't be too sentimental."

Looking at the red lips that were chattering and denying in front of him, Jian Haotian's mind was shaken, and he leaned forward to swallow this attractive little red lips in one mouthful.

In an instant, the sound of a needle falling could be heard in the quiet surroundings.

Li Qiaomu rolled his eyeballs and looked down at the handsome face in front of him.

The two kissed each other like this for an unknown how long, until both of them were panting harder than usual, and then Jian Haotian reluctantly parted from the attractive thing in his mouth.

As soon as she got a chance to breathe fresh air, Li Qiaomu quickly turned her head and took several breaths of air, and her pretty red face slowly returned to normal.

At this moment, she heard his muffled laughter from beside her.

She was raped, and this man still dared to laugh in front of her face, Li Qiaomu suddenly became angry, and pinched his arm forcefully, "You still laugh, I'm in this state now, bye!" Who gave it, don’t you understand in your heart?”

Jian Haotian was in pain from being pinched, he hissed, and he clenched her hand tightly into his warm palm.

"It's all thanks to me, it's all thanks to me, I'll pay attention next time." With a smile on his lips, he put his mouth next to her ear and whispered his mistake.

Little did he know that his actions not only failed to catch Li Qiaomu's ears, but instead made her even more envious.

In order not to let himself fall into his tender land again, Li Qiaomu quickly pushed him away from him.

When he was no longer in front of her, she quickly took another deep breath, found her voice and asked him, "What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, the teasing smile on Jian Haotian's face disappeared by more than half.

Just as Li Qiaomu was about to say more, he suddenly saw his strange appearance, and knew that what he was going to say must be very important, so he put away the anger on his face, looked at him seriously and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Is it related to Xiao Yu?" After much deliberation, she only thought of something related to this.

Jian Haotian stepped forward and hugged her shoulders, "Yes, it has something to do with Xiaoyu." After finishing speaking, seeing her face becoming a little anxious, he said to comfort her again, "Don't worry, the matter is not as serious as you imagined, I just Now you are doubting, you listen to me first, and then our husband and wife will think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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