Chapter 789
Jian Haotian looked ruthlessly at the so-called big brother who had never said a good word, and said coldly, "I didn't come here this time to look for you, I came to look for the old man."

When Brother Jian heard his words, still with a contemptuous tone, the anger that had been pent up in his heart for so long burst out again.

"Jian Haotian, you bastard, when you were young, if I hadn't carried you on your back every day, you wouldn't know what you would look like now, but now it's better, you don't recognize me as the big brother when you become an official, you just A white-eyed wolf."

After hearing his hateful complaints, Jian Haotian sneered, looking at him more like looking at the worst thing in the world.

"Brother, are you trying to settle the old debt with me now? There's nothing wrong with it. When I was young, you really carried me behind your back every day. I think I've already paid off the kindness you have done to me."

"Pay it off, where did you pay it off, what did you pay me back? Don't talk big here, the debt you owe me is still there." Brother Jian pointed at him with disbelief and shouted loudly.

Jian Haotian forcefully shook off the hand pointing at him in front of him, his eyes were cold, and he said, "Okay, then I will do the math with you, since I became a soldier, I have sent so much money home every month , I have served in the army for more than ten years, and the money I sent home must have been several thousand. Where did you get your job? Doesn’t it mean that I haven’t repaid the kindness you recited to me when you were a child?”

When Brother Jian heard him mention his work, his face suddenly turned green and black.

He naturally knew in his heart when he got his previous job. It was a job he coaxed two old people in his family to pay for him.

This money is also from the money that his little brother sends back every month.

Seeing that he was silent at this time, Jian Haotian sneered, "It seems that elder brother knows these things very well in his heart, that's just right, I don't need to say anything, anyway, in this family, you are the three who never said I was a white-eyed wolf word people."

Seeing him staring at him with eyes that dared not speak out, Jian Hao let out a sigh, didn't take another look at him, and walked into the room to continue looking for someone.

Jian Haotian found old man Jian in the house.

In the past two years, it is estimated that he has grown older, and the old man Jane's ears are much more deaf than before.

It's no wonder that the two brothers were arguing so loudly in the yard just now, old man Jane who was staying in the house would not know.

"Dad, I have something I want to talk to you about." As soon as he came in, Jian Haotian immediately told the old man what he wanted to say.

After listening to what the youngest son said, the old man Jian had an old face, "Don't worry, third child, Dad will help you deal with this matter, I will educate your mother well, and I won't let her go out to trouble your family again .”

With this guarantee from old man Jian, Jian Haotian didn't say anything more, and gave 50 yuan to old man Jian, "Dad, you can use this money to buy some meat and eat. I'm going to work first."

The old lady Jian looked down at the 50 yuan in her wallet, her eyes became moist immediately, she raised her eyes and called to her youngest son who was about to go out, "Third son, do you still hate me for following me?" What did your mother do to your family before?"

(End of this chapter)

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