Chapter 790 This is a good thing

Jian Haotian heard the yelling from behind, so he had to stop, but he didn't turn his head back, but turned his back to him and said, "Dad, some things don't mean that the longer time passes, those things are as if they never happened , it will leave a shadow in people's hearts, and I am the same. The reason why I can say these things to you calmly now is only because you gave birth to me. As for the others, There is simply no way."

After speaking the truth, Jian Haotian didn't care about the expression of the old man behind him, he continued to walk outside.

When he came out of Old Jian's house and returned to the door, Jian Haotian realized that the house in front of him was his real home. As for the old Jian's house just now, it was already another strange place in his heart.

Otherwise, every time he stepped in there, he would feel uncomfortable all over.

He stopped at the door of his house for a while, took a breath of fresh air, and then got on his bicycle and rode towards the city.

Since finding Wang Fa, Li Qiaomu has been paying attention to this matter in recent days.

But I don't know if it's because her warning worked or what, since she found that Wang Fa, this guy seems to have disappeared from Xiao Yu's side, and he hasn't been seen for several days.

Without Wang Fa's help, Jian Qingyu also got rid of the habit of going to the game hall to play, and returned to the habit of going home with her family after school every day.

Seeing that this son really realized his mistake and didn't go to that kind of place again, Li Qiaomu also slowly relaxed his vigilance towards this child.

Just at this time, Xiaofeng's class teacher also came over, and Li Qiaomu then put half of his attention on his eldest son.

When eating in the evening, Xiaofeng suddenly told the young couple that his class teacher asked them to come over tomorrow.

As soon as he said these words, neither Li Qiaomu nor Jian Haotian suspected that the child's grades were not good or that he had caused some trouble at school.

"What's the matter, is there another competition for you to participate in?" Li Qiaomu asked after holding a chopstick for him.

Jian Qingfeng took a bite of her mother's food, and then talked about it with a calm face, "No, it seems that a program I wrote was attracted by a foreign company, and now that company wants to buy it. Download it, I think the teacher told you to go over to discuss this matter."

Li Qiaomu, who was eating, was so frightened by his eldest son's light words that he almost spit out the food he ate.

"When did this happen? Why haven't I heard you say it?" Li Qiaomu hurriedly spat out the food in his mouth, and then looked at Jian Haotian who was sitting beside him.

As soon as Jian Haotian received his wife's gaze on him, he immediately shook his head, "I don't know, I just heard this kid talk about it."

Jian Qingfeng glanced at the young couple helplessly, "Of course you don't know about this, you are so busy every day, how do you know about this?"

When the young couple heard his words, they looked at me, and I looked at you, and smiled at the three brothers and sisters embarrassedly.

"This is a good thing. I never thought that Xiaofeng in our family would be so powerful." Wen Leibo said with a smile on his face at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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