Chapter 791 I've Been Seen
It may be because of something related to the family eating spiritual springs. In the past few years, Wen Leibo has not changed much in terms of body and appearance except for getting older.

Elderly people of the same age as him in the village either have gray hair or have constant ailments, but Wenlaibo is different. He rarely even catches a cold.

The young couple came back to their senses at this time, heard Wen Leibo's words, and followed suit, "It is indeed a good thing."

"Brother, you are too good. You actually wrote a program, and now you are still being spotted by an outsider. As expected of my brother, it's up to you whether I can eat delicious and spicy food in the future." Jian Qingyu said Shi looked at the big brother beside him with admiration.

Jian Meimei nodded in agreement, "If I want to make a movie in the future, I will definitely ask my elder brother to help me invest."

Li Qiaomu listened to the conversation between the three siblings with a smile on his face.

Now the three siblings are also teenagers, each with their own ideas.

Neither Li Qiaomu nor Jian Haotian are overbearing parents.

As long as the ideals of the three brothers and sisters are not harmful to society, both of them agree with their ideas.

Just like their little daughter, as she gets older, the little girl also grows slim and graceful. In addition, the life of Xinjian's family has been pretty good in the past few years, and the little guy has become very beautiful, and now she is even more beautiful. I fell in love with wanting to do filming.

Li Qiaomu also supported his daughter's idea, and told her that as long as she didn't delay her studies, he, as a mother, would not hinder her in this matter.

When Jian Qingfeng heard the younger sister's words, he immediately smiled at her, and told her in the tone of a good brother, "Don't worry, younger sister, if the elder brother has money in the future, he will definitely invest in a TV series for you, and then I will let you come play the heroine."

Jian Meimei shouted happily, "Thank you big brother, I knew that big brother is better than second brother, I like second brother the most."

When Jian Qingyu heard this, a speechless expression immediately appeared on the still immature handsome face, "Little sister, if you exaggerate big brother, you can just exaggerate big brother, why are you stepping on me again?"

Jian Meimei snorted softly, "Whoever calls you the second brother will only make parents angry."

Jian Qingyu touched her nose guiltily, "That's all happened in the past, why do you keep bringing it up."

Li Qiaomu watched the bickering between the three brothers and sisters, but the young couple did not stop them.

At this moment, four people entered the family, none other than Li Qiaoxin's family of four.

Last year, Li Qiaoxin's family finally decided to move out of the new Jian's house. They built a new house in Jian's village. Now the two sisters live in the same village, and they work together. The two sisters can see each other every day.

After dinner, Li Qiaoxin's family would come here to chat.

Life was almost the same as it had been when they hadn't moved out.

"What are you talking about? You are so happy to say it." Li Qiaoxin walked in and asked.

It was as if the family had returned to their own home, and everyone found their own place to sit down.

Li Qiaomu also told the second sister's family about the program written by Xiaofeng being favored by a foreign company.

"Really, foreign companies are interested, okay, my nephew is really good." Li Qiao happily touched the top of Xiaofeng's head.

"It's not like your cousin, who actually told us tonight that he doesn't want to study anymore and wants to work with his dad on construction. I'm so mad."

(End of this chapter)

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