Chapter 792 Scared?

When Zhou Xiaoxiong at the side heard this sentence, his face blushed with embarrassment and pulled Xiaofeng and the others into the room.

Li Qiaomu immediately asked, "What's the matter, Second Sister, Xiaoxiong really said that he doesn't want to study anymore?"

"No, and your brother-in-law and I seem to be very firm in his tone. No matter how much I persuade your brother-in-law, this kid just won't listen and makes us mad." When Li Qiao mentioned this matter, his heart was full of anger.

Seeing that the life of the family is getting better and better, the couple are able to let the two children study, but the result is good. The eldest son suddenly said that he didn't want to study and wanted to go to construction with his father.

Speaking of this, Li Qiaoxin put her hopeful eyes on the little girl in front of her.

She knew that when the elder brother's son refused to go to school, it was the younger sister who persuaded her. Now that her nephew is in college, the elder brother said that his grades seem to be very good.

"Little sister, last time you were able to persuade Chaoyang from my eldest brother's house to go to school, you still have a way. You can also help me persuade this child Xiaoxiong. I really don't know how to persuade this child." Li Qiaoxin Holding her hand hopefully, he begged.

Li Qiaomu looked at the second sister who was now in a hurry to go to the doctor, and patted the back of her hand to comfort her, "Second sister, don't worry, the matter of Chaoyang is different from the matter of Xiaoxiong. The idea of ​​wanting to study is just in the midst of confusion, but Xiaoxiong has his own ideas, although he has been going to school for the past few years, but I can tell that this child really doesn't seem to be interested in studying."

When Li Qiaoxin heard this, he became even more anxious, "Then what should I do? Do you really want this kid to follow your brother-in-law to do construction? It's hard work, and I really don't want him to do it."

Li Qiaomu shook her hand, "Relax, let's talk to Xiaoxiong about this matter and see what this child thinks."

"Okay, okay, little sister, I will leave this matter to you, Second Sister, you must persuade my Xiaoxiong, this child likes your aunt the most, and his father and I will be behind you."

Half an hour later, Zhou Xiaoxiong, who was staying in the room, felt that the conversation of the adults outside should be finished, so he walked out of his cousin's room.

As soon as it came out, it happened to meet my aunt's sight.

At this moment, Zhou Xiaoxiong could only walk towards her like a child who has done something wrong, and shouted, "Auntie."

Li Qiaomu smiled and said to him, "How about it, are you free? Would you like to chat with Auntie?"

Looking at the smiling aunt, Zhou Xiaoxiong couldn't say anything to refuse, and finally nodded slightly, "Okay."

Li Qiaomu immediately pointed to a quiet corner in the yard, "Let's go there and sit and chat."

After speaking, she walked over there first.

After Zhou Xiaoxiong hesitated for a while, he finally followed up.

Li Qiaomu first found a place to sit down, looked up and saw that he was still standing, so he smiled and patted the empty seat beside him and said to him, "What are you doing standing up, sit down."

Seeing that he still didn't move his position, Li Qiaomu laughed in a low voice and joked, "What's the matter, I don't dare to chat with my aunt anymore, or are you afraid?"

Zhou Xiaoxiong was a little uneasy sitting in the position she had just photographed.

After Li Qiaomu waited for him to sit down, he opened his mouth and directly talked about the business he wanted to talk about, "I heard from your mother that you don't want to study anymore, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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