Chapter 795 Give a Chance
Li Qiaomu looked at the mother and son speechlessly, "You mother and son quarreled, but I, an irrelevant person, was affected."

As soon as she said this, there were several laughs from the side.

Among them was Jian Haotian.

Li Qiaomu rolled his eyes at him, stared at him softly and said, "You're still laughing."

Jian Haotian immediately stopped the smile on his face, turned his head and said to Zhou Xiaoxiong, "Xiaoxiong, what you said is wrong. Although your aunt hasn't studied for a few years, she is eager to learn, and later she borrows books by herself. After learning, her current knowledge is estimated to be comparable to that of college students, but she is only short of a diploma."

After hearing what my aunt said, Zhou Xiaoxiong looked towards her with an expression of disbelief.

"Auntie, you are so powerful. You are too powerful. I have decided that you will be my goal in the future." Zhou Xiaoxiong looked at her with admiration.

Li Qiaomu was amused by his words, "Okay, don't say these things here, and be careful to make your mother angry. I'll see what you do."

Only then did Zhou Xiaoxiong remember that there was still his own mother by his side watching his affairs.

He immediately stopped the smile on his face, looked at his mother anxiously, and shouted in a low voice, "Mom, just promise me, I really don't want to go to school anymore, at worst I will be like my aunt, You can study in private, so it’s okay.”

At this moment, Li Qiaoxin could see that her son was determined not to read this book.

"Okay, okay, whatever you want, I don't care about this matter, anyway, don't blame me and your dad for not letting you continue studying."

As soon as he heard his mother let go, Zhou Xiaoxiong immediately walked over happily and hugged her, "Thank you mom, I knew you are the best mother in the world."

Li Qiaoxin let him hug him like this, and with a look of embarrassment, he gently pushed him away, saying something against his will, "Come on, I think you scolded me to death in your heart when I disagreed. Bar."

"How can I, how can I scold you so much? Over the years, you have suffered so much for me and my sister. I have seen it in my eyes and kept it in my heart. Don't worry, Mom, although I didn't continue to study, But I promise you, I will be successful, and I will let you and my father have a good life." Zhou Xiaoxiong promised in front of her with a serious face.

Li Qiaoxin looked at his son who seemed to be much happier suddenly, and suddenly felt in his heart whether he had really done the right thing in agreeing to this matter.

Li Qiaomu saw that the atmosphere was just right, so he gave Zhou Xiaoxiong, his nephew, a job.

"How about it, do you want to try it?" After talking about the conditions of recruitment, Li Qiaomu asked this nephew who was thinking deeply with a smile on his face.

After Zhou Xiaoxiong finished thinking, he immediately said with a smile on his face, "I think, auntie, I'm going to try it, please give me a chance, I will definitely do it well, and I won't let you down."

Li Qiaomu smiled and clapped his hands to help him decide, "Okay, it's settled like this, you will go to your Aunt Jiang tomorrow and ask her to arrange a place for you to travel on business."

After a good night's sleep, the next day, after the young couple had breakfast, they dressed up and rode towards the school.

This time it was the first time for the young couple to come here except for the payment of fees.

(End of this chapter)

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