Chapter 796 is up to him
The two also met Xiaofeng's head teacher this time, a middle-aged man wearing a pair of glasses.

"It's Xiaofeng's parents, right? Hello, my surname is Wang, you can just call me Teacher Wang." After explaining his purpose of coming, Wang Xing walked up to greet them with enthusiasm.

Li Qiaomu and Jian Haotian's impression of Xiaofeng, the head teacher, was even more impressive.

"Teacher, we heard from Xiaofeng that you asked us to come to school, what's the matter?" Although we knew about their coming to school last night, it's not easy to say that they knew about it. I can only ask humbly.

Wang Xing poured them a cup of tea each, and after sitting down, he talked to the young couple about finding them this time.

Sure enough, the kid Xiaofeng guessed right, and this teacher Wang called them here just to talk about it.

"Xiaofeng's mother, Xiaofeng's father, Xiaofeng is really smart. I think this kid works hard and is an excellent student. The program he wrote this time was favored by foreign companies and brought glory to our school. The one over there The monthly meeting sent a representative to talk about the program written by student Xiaofeng, you two can see if you can spare a little time to meet and chat with him."

Regarding this matter, the young couple had already thought about it when they went to bed last night.

Although they are Xiaofeng's parents, this program was written by Xiaofeng himself, so he should decide how to sell it and how much to sell.

"Teacher, I think you can just let Xiaofeng handle this matter. This program is written by him, and it is his credit. He can do whatever he wants. We, as parents, support him." Li Qiaomu told him .

Wang Xing looked at the couple in disbelief, and found that their faces were very calm at this moment.

At this time, he finally understood why Xiaofeng, a student, looked so calm at ordinary times. It turned out that it was because of his parents.

Teacher Wang still doesn't quite believe what he heard. After all, this matter is not an ordinary matter. It is related to a large sum of money. He doesn't quite believe that there are parents in this world who are willing to let go.

"What do you mean to say that if a foreign company sends someone over to discuss cooperation, you don't come forward and leave it to Xiaofeng to discuss cooperation, right?
? "He repeatedly confirmed with the couple.

"Mr. Wang, you understand correctly, that's what our husband and wife mean." Jian Haotian also said at this time.

This time he finally heard the meaning of the couple clearly. At this time, he looked at the couple with a pair of unbelievable eyes.

It turned out that he was wrong. It turned out that there really are such parents in this world.

"Mother Xiaofeng, Dad Xiaofeng, you are really great. Now I finally know why this classmate Xiaofeng is so good. It turns out that he has such a reasonable parent and mentor as you." Wang Xing said with a smile on his face. Speaking of admiration.

"No way, Mr. Wang, you've praised too much. We both feel embarrassed when you say that." Li Qiaomu said with a smile and waved his hands.

The young couple chatted with Mr. Wang in the office for another half an hour before leaving the office.

Coming down from the second floor, the young couple just walked to the playground and found that many students gathered in the middle of the playground.

Li Qiaomu curiously grabbed a classmate, and after inquiring about it, he found out that a female Ming student came to this school today to film a movie, and the students around were all watching celebrities.

(End of this chapter)

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